Speed limiter

I just bought a 1990 240 and i tried topping it out, which i couldn’t because the car stopped accelerating around 180. The funny thing is that in 4th at around 6k rpm it stops moving or in 5th at lower rpm, so my prediction is that it kicks in at a certain speed.

they are limited to 180kph

I once went over to 180+ on the odemeter while I was driving across USA.
The fuel got cut off when I reached around 190 km/hr

I didn’t have time to take a picture of it because I was not expecting to have my 240sx to go up so fast…

Anyways… it’s a 90’s

i wrapped the speedo to the 4th digit over on the speedo… then i slowed down because thats fast enough…

speed cut still gets me in 4th… just not 5th 8)

4th digit over the spedo?

my last one limited at about 185-190, at leats by the speedo… the one i ahve now i havent gone that fast, i hit 175 once but i was just passign some guy so i slowed down soon as i did

thats cause SR’s dont have 5th gear sensors or something like that, remember how there were less holes in the SR gearbox?

time for a nismo speedo :lol:

Sequential :shock:

sorry i ment on the odometer
where it is is about 220kph judging by the scale…

On my 91 hatch i got up to about 185-190 i am gussing because my odonmeter only shows up to 180 but then i past that!!! and then i was at about 5,000rpm on 5th then i just keep going for a while and then the whole car jsut like kick back or something and then i think i hear a loud “boom” and then my car just shout off and i just trun the key and kept going at about 180!!!

^^^ Ouch did your tires lock when your car stalled?

Wow scary, and nothing broke?
My altima supposedly cuts off at 240 but I’ve never felt the need to go above 180 :wink:

i don’t know what happend but when it stall it just keep rolling and i started no problem and keep going

Oh? Is it automatic?

What i ment was when i asked the question when it stalled on the highway did the tires lock because thats what happens on a standard car. But not relizing that he had an automatic i then said oh its an automatic?

Ya dont mind me im just a lost :stuck_out_tongue:

what do you mean or what is a tire lock???
what happends when that happends???
and i do have a 5 speed stander!!!
can you tell a bit about that tire lock thing???

Depending on the speed/rpm’s your going when a standard car stalls the tires stop with the engine.
All i was wondering is if this happend to you.

i think it did because what happends was that my car kind of stop… i can feel it lose big speed when it stall but i thought that it was just my engine kick back or something!!!