Fuel Cut Mabye?

Car: Nissan 240sx KaT

Problem: Engine shuts off at 200km/h

What happened: i was Driving home today qew was dead and i decided to c what my car could do i hit 200km/h and my dash went crazy engine lights started poplin up then the car just stalled. so i cost to the side and stoped and the car turns right back on again like nutting happened. So could it be fuel cut or?


thats got to be electrical problem. my speedo doesn’t go high enough to know how fast i’m going, but i think it governs at 195, it its 195 and then slows down to 190 then it will pick back up again, my dash doesn’t blink or anything like that. if just the motor cut out then fine sure something fucked up under the hood, but when your dash goes nutz, something wrong in the wires, short, maybe melted a wire going that fast.
good luck with that one!

S14? If you hit the fuel cut, the engine is suppose to have a small hiccup and that’s it. Maybe whoever tuned your ECU removed the limiter wrong.

I wasn’t even close to the rev limiter. Wast gate spring is set at 15 psi my car builds that at 5500-6000 rpm rev limiter is at 7500. I heard the wast gate open and then the car just died but i have no problems like this at any other speed. Its just when i go 200ish from 1-180 no problems ever everything works fine.

It has nothing to do with the rev limiter, it’s the speed limiter. And what year is the car?

what are u using for tuning ?

Yeah remember there are different speed cuts, there is the pin#32 ECU speed cut at 180-190km/h and the 5,000 RPM limit in 5th (around 200-230km/h or so) IIRC.

It’s probably something to do with the way it may have been “un” speed-limited, just ask the last owner what was done (if anything) to remove speed cut. It may be cutting fuel which could definitely cause the stalling, even at speed.


There is all the info you will need guys its rads old car.