I’m fixing an electrical problem for a friend in a 86 300z and some dumb ass from Nissan fucked up the wiring so I had to change the whole dash harness but when I went to see about the other shit that might be messed I was getting strange resistance on the alternator.
Have any of you guys had Continuity between the + post on the alt where the Batt wire goes and the casing or - Side? This one has around 3000 ohms of resistance so i was confused by that. But I talked to some guy and he said that can sometimes hempen because of the place of the brushes inside? Sounded weird to me but whatever…
Also I’m trying to find out what some wires are. I have these pictures so if you guys can show me what these wires are and what kind of reading I am subposta get on them that will be awesome.
This is a box of wires right by the BATT and on the right side is where a short was. Its subposta be for a BATT Ground but I think it was for the ALT or somthing???

This one is a connector right by the ECM where the dash harness plugs to with a big white 12gauge wire and a 14gauge yellow wire. Im getting a negitave signal from both of them now but I dont think thats right. Any help will be awsome on what these are for. Thanks a bunch.

Found out that the Alt was wired wrong from Nissan cuz there dumb here in Lethbridge so I am going to run the ign 12v to the alt regulator and hard wire the light and the BATT source and I am good. But I still need to know what the 2 wires are in the bottom page. The white and yellow one. One of you must know what the hell it is. Common.
Turbo or not?
what year?
What do you get when you probe the wires?
After careful looking through my '84 FSM I found a plug with the same color wires. 2E or 72M (Turbo) 1E or 73M (N/A) depending which side of the plug your looking at…
5-speed models:
Yellow wire looks like it starts at the Ignition switch, goes through that plug listed above, and goes through the Theft Warning Relay-2 (If your car has the factory anti-theft) through the switch side of the relay, then to the starter motor (exciter wire or solenoid wire) OR straight to the starter motor if the car doesn’t have the anti-theft.
If the car is an auto, then you will hate your life and end it as you finish reading this, because the diagram is too big for me to explain.
The white wire looks like it is comming from the ignition relay…
holy shit, this is just too much typing. You owe me one. I’ll snap photo’s with my Digi-Cam of the FMS pages that should help you… lol!
Holy crap, hope you don’t have dialup…
These are pics from the '84 FSM they should help you out alot. If you still have problems, let me know.
I re-read your first post, and I suck at reading…
That first fusible link starts at the battery, then goes to the main power wire on the starter, then goes throught the fusible link, then to the charging system (Main power wire (white) on the alternator) then to the plug in your second picture (I think) then it goes to supply power to the rear defrost, ignition relay, blower relay, accessory relay, radio 10a fuse in the fuse box inside the car.
I’m not sure why you are getting the negative signal from those 2 wires in your second picture. Doesn’t make sense to me. You could have a short somewhere else I’m thinking. It’s hard to try and figure out electrical problems when shorts are involved. They screw up everything.
Let me know if these pics help you, or if you need any other pics taken.
Dude thanks for going through all this trouble. This helps out BIG time!! Im pretty sure I can figure this out with this info. Thanks again!!!
Oh ya its a 86 300z non turbo 5 speed without antitheft thank god. Man thanks again!!
Yeah cool,
You’ll have no problem figuring this out now.
Let me know how it goes.
Another Nissan back on the road. This time you dont have to rev the engine to 5 grand to turn the lights on
. Thanks man. Your info helped.