alternator/battery problem?

my battery light came on tonight and there was a constant clicking noise coming from my fuse box under the dash. my belt has also been sqeeling like crazy the last few days. possible alt or battery dying?

Your alternator belt could be loose…this happend on my SR on the way back to calgary from edmonton…but my car just eventually died out and then noticed it and tightend the belt…to check if your alternator is working start you car and unplug the battery…if the car dies then your alt is fried

if your alternator it will kill tha battery anyways cuz battery not gettin charged…battery will b dead all the time.

Check to see if the alternators is putting out, the best way is to use a volt meter, I’d say like 13.8v or above and its good. But call Nissan and see if they can give you what their spec is. Check your belt tension and condition, see if the pulley spins freely, I’ve had the bearing pile up in a alternator before. Id also get your battery load tested too. Will tell you its condition.

i cant read japanesse but the bottom 10 amp fuse in the “battery” section was blown. started the car and it still was making that clicking noise. unplugged the battery, car still ran. really badly though. the alternator seems to be spinning fine and the belt looks to be fine as well

If it ran worse once the bat was unpluged your Alt is most likely getting weaker and weaker the more you drive the car…soon enuff it will probly just crap out…get a volt meter and check it then if its real low replace the alternator or get it rebuilt

i was kind of thinking it may be my battery dying on me. i have dual e fans and when i shut my car off they run for 30 seconds to a minute. do that a few times a day and the tiny jdm battery wont last long. when i unplugged it the car did run alot worse though. but the battery should charge while the car is running no?

Change your belt before you do anything

Squeeling belt??? means the belt is either bad, to loose or to tight.

ya its been sqeeling the last few days at low rpms. i looked everywhere today for the right size of battery. nothing fit except a 300 cranking amp one. the car ran for about a block then the battery light came on again. also got the jdm battery tested, tested very low and needs to be replaced. so hopfully thats my only problem. i got a hold of allen and he gave me a place to go to to get the right battery. anyone have the alternator belt part number by any chance?