Alright, now that my alternator is starting make that wonderful howling grind… Time for a new one, Any suggestions for what to get? OEM vs Rebuilt? Or does anyone have a spare laying around?
Checked with Mills for a new one 386, and a rebuild was 200.
no fully assembled rebuilt, 200 for the whole thing and internals… and i dont fully trust a wrecker one… at least the partsource comes with a 3 year warranty
Thanks for your offer of help, but i think i miss placed the sound… its seems to be more from the valve cover… which is making me MORE scared… I cant afford for my car to go bad on me now…
I replaced mine last year and one of the new Spark Plugs ( A Denso Iridium) actually came apart, and was bouncing off the electorde from the compression anyhow it was making a really wierd noise, I knew there was something wrong because I could press down on the 3rd coilpack and the noise would go away.
yeah, i just checked the old plugs last night, they are all intact, i’m temped to pull the new ones see if they are ok, for a second i though i somehgow got the crush washer to fall in… which could be bad but they are all in place, also i starting wonder if its a carbon chunk that fell when i removed the plugs but it should have been cleaned up by now…
I might have misplace the noise, it was 12 am when i went out again… tired and paniced is not a good state of mind for anything. However i’ll look into it today and see whats up, let you all know what is going down in Altima town… (i’m so getting shot :lol: )
What kinda noise is it? A squealing noise like from a belt?
I had a car that made a slight clicking noise when accelerating, didn’t think too much of it until it got louder, and found out that there was a crack in the head…
I don’t think reading this is gonna help your anxiety
Ok, so paniced and slighty angry, i decided to do tha alt. Turns out that the old thing (orginal unit, 13 years) had a nice chirp to it so she was coming due to change. Got the new unit (200 buck, 3 year warranty rebuilt, turns out that what the dealership install more expensive and only 1 year warranty but you didnt hear it from me…) and got her in with some trouble i like the Murano styled alt better…
She was nice a quiet drove her for 100 kms and parked at home, pop my hood and the squeak is back, i have determined it is a squeak.
So that makes me believe its belt related so the suspects are:
Ahh, the joys of tuning hey . Do you know a site that has an fsm for your car? Cause if you can gain access to one you will be able to see a bunch of suspects that might be the cause of your frustration.
Finally figured out whats squeaking… Stupid belt was sitting funny on the AC Compressor’s Wheel and i guess will continue to simply because its the only way it sits. Checked with a mechanic friend he says it happens alot on these models and that i shouldnt worry about it, since i checked the records and is newer than i thought…
Anyway thanks for listening to me bitch about the car! Cya