Always Sunny in Philadelphia

definitely gonna get retarded next show…lol

“I don’t want to bulk up; I want that ‘Jesus on the Cross’ look.”
“Yeah I’m sure that whole crucifixion thing was great for your core. He had the best abs.”



I loved the crucifiction look dennis gave during that scene…lol

Yeah… this was the worst episode this season (not to say it was terrible) but next week looks great!

I thought this week was pretty good. Last week’s episode I thought was pretty bad.

You kidding me… I thought last week was one of the best ever!

No way, I thought last week was the worst one this season.


Whats wrong with Steve Winwood?

yeah…thats my gift for you.


i just started watching this show on hulu, it has all the seasons so i started from the beginning, and i cant believe ive been missing out on this show.

Higher Love*

Higher Ground is a different song by Stevie Wonder

Another convert!


yea i realized i fucked up after i wrote that…LOL

Are you serious noone posted…fucking best episode ever IMO.

Sooo funny

i dont have cable, gotta wait for hulu, and im still on season 3 anyway

Halfway through it now. Hilarious so far.

“Good with women? You mean good AT women?”
“Like you can’t catch them when they run away from you?”

The first part with Dennis and Dee at Patricks pub was hysterical.

The fact that they talked with 1776 accents for some of the show and then talked normal in other parts was awesome.

Sweet Dee calling someone a dickhole is the sexiest thing ever lol

They should have snuck the waitress and the McPoyle twins in there somewhere.

Yes…but cricket getting his dome blasted off was worth the lack of waitress and McPoyles.

Altho if Sinbad and Rob Thomas showed up…that would be funny.