Am I gonna get screwed on my insurance now???

Ok, so wed. night at like 10 after the S&R cruise night i was drivin around and this guy in a 350Z was drivin next to me. I was in the left lane an he was in the middle one. i could tell that he wanted to race cuz as soon as i sped up to pass him he sped up. So i put it in third n steped on it but since there was traffic in the middle lane i got hard on my brakes so i could change lanes. But as soon i hit the brakes he got behind me because he thought i was goin by the traffic in the middle, and when he did that he clipped my rear bumper and since i was prolly doin like 50 it spun me across 2 lanes of traffic and into some other guy’s door. Ok now my insurance company told me that its not my fault and that the guy w/ the Z his insurance should cover my car and the other car that i hit. But even though its not my fault is my insurance gonna go way up???

No, It shouldn’t. And don’t wreck that car before we get a race in! :smiley:

Sorry to hear that man…

I would say your insurance probably will go up a little bit, even though it wasn’t your fault


No, It shouldn’t. And don’t wreck that car before we get a race in! :smiley:


Where have you been this year?

Most insurances care about how many accidents you have, and not too much “whose fault” it is.


my insurance didnt go up after my last accident which was called not my fault… however i had to cancel itr ayways cause the car was gone… but unless its your fault i dont think it goes up


Where have you been this year?


Hidding from guys like you that whuupped me last year, and did more mods over the winter! Wait, I got new tires, and I waxxed the car today. How many H.P. is that good for? Still the old guy in the stock 'Vette. :redface:

next time…


racing is one thing, but racing through traffic is fucking ignorant.


next time…


racing is one thing, but racing through traffic is fucking ignorant.


Hate to say it, But… TRUTH.

i wasnt racing through traffic there was traffic a couple lights ahead thats why i hit the brakes because i didnt wanna go flyin through traffic. You never know what the people ahead of you are gonna do which is why I slowed down.

if there was people in front of you why would you want to try to race anyways?

what did you expect to do? do a ricer fly-by by the rest of the traffic too?

any pics of the damage?


if there was people in front of you why would you want to try to race anyways?

what did you expect to do? do a ricer fly-by by the rest of the traffic too?


they were pretty far ahead and i didnt want to full on race him i just wanted to show off. I only went from like 40- maybe 70 before i hit the brakes. he was obviously expecting me to fly by traffic at 80 or something. I got lucky though the damage wasnt to bad just a couple of cracks and scrapes no pics yet.

gotta quote the mighty professor on this one :stupid:


dude darwin’s prolly in the kitchen stealing your beer

Your insurance might go up a little bit, but nothing too bad.

Frequencys effect insurance, and if you are totaling a car and getting one other frequency for small fender bender, and then a liability claim for something like hitting a deer, they might even drop you.

heres the damage to my car i know i lucked out. No more showin off for me.

new front and rear bumper and you’re good to go

edit: not even to that extent, but that would be worst case scenario

the estimate that i got was for a new front and rear bumper and a headlight for everything like $2,500