Late Semptember Poll : Would you let your car get hit?

I’m sure this has happened to most of us at some point in our lives.

You’re driving down the 4 lane road/highway and the car next to your either merging on or just not paying attention starts moving into your lane.

Now 99% of the time, we care for what we drive being car guys and all and will move out of the way and throw a baby/gf/wife/mother in law in between the vehicles if that will prevent a scratch.

But lets just say you’re in your winter beater and don’t really care and you know the other guy will cover your car and then some because you bought it really cheap.

Would you let your car get hit and go through the legal actions or just use the convenient one finger salute to display how you really feel about that person and just keep going on your way?

Edit: Happened to me a minute ago which is why I’m posting this. Also yesterday some old guy pulled out right in front of me, and me being the nice guy I am didn’t total his car and kill him in a Tbone, maneuvered around his old ass allowing me to go on with my day.

if its a POS that i dont give a shit about, yes, for the extra cash so long as it doesnt wreck the car itself to save me the trouble of buying another one or so it wouldnt put me in the guard rail/hospital/morgue.

cliffnotes: id let a shit car get hit for cash

Everytime I got into my sedan I said to myself, “I hope someone hits me today”… but several times I’ve come so close to an accident, it has just been a natural reaction to move out of the way.

One time I woke up at 5am to take someone to work… a car pulls out infront of me, if I slammed on the breaks I still woulda hit him… half asleep I pull my car right around them into the other lane and just keep driving without missing a beat. About 10seconds later, I said DAMMIT… I COULDVE GOTTEN RID OF THIS THING. Trust me, I try… but instincts kick in, lol.

self preservation’s a btich huh?:lol

lol yeah… but what sucks about my example is that it was in the city… 25-30mph accident, tops… I’d of t-boned them… which would be fine with me… but damn instincts… they’re so useless!

i pretty much swerve to avoid hitting anything. same was in my first car, which was a POS. i was like “shit shit shit shit, shoulda let that bitch in the escalade hit me, she looks like shes got cash to spare for a new car for me”

I’d be pissed in my IS300.

Some girl bumped my Jetta and it didn’t leave a mark. I didn’t care.

I also dont want insurance going up. My policy is sick now, $25 a month for Supra, covered to $42000.

that is the most amazing insurance quote on the planet!

I believe when it’s somebody else’s fault your insurance shouldn’t be affected.

So this poll assumes that we all have shitty POS cars that create huge paydays when hit?

Not entirely true.

NY is funny with that. From what I remember, it’s always a fault of both parties to a small extent and it’s rated in percentages. So even when somebody else is “at fault” you have a 10% liability in it happening.

But generally speaking and logically you shouldn’t be punished for somebody else’s actions on the road.

NYS is a no fault state Vlad.

If I’m not mistaken, a drunk driver could rear end you at a red light in NYS, and YOUR insurance would go up as well.

Worst law ever.

It’s a reality, not a quote. Having a good insurance agent, coupled with a house and collectors car insurance helps (Haggerty). Not to mention a spotless driving record.

My ins got raised a few months ago because I had “a lot of claims on my account” - the claims were hitting a deer, getting hit by someone else, and a couple of cracked windshields from rocks. They’re response was “it doesnt matter the reason, we still have to pay” which I understand. If the ins company pays, so do you.

in the altima choice 3

in the MR2 FUCK no, i dont wanna die, no airbags FTL

it depends what kinda paint job i’m gettin.


fuck yes. /thread