Late Semptember Poll : Would you let your car get hit?

I chose choice 3, I could care less as long as I dont have to spend a dime, although if I still had the Integra I would choose choice 2.

So you guys would purposely not avoid an accident even if you had the ability to stop in time in the situation?

I cannot bring myself to do that, very defensive driving a lot of which is coming from the motorcycle world.

I doubt many bikers would share your opinions in the matter by choosing 1 or 3 even though they face those choices nearly every single day.

If somebody pulls out in front of ya and you have just enough time to do an emergency stop/slow down you purposely would go lose on the pedal?


i think instincts would completely take over and anything that you could possibly do to avoid the accident would be done but in hindsight maybe some of us would have second thoughts… :lol

Quoted for troof.

Never. Getting into an accident is a huge freaking hassle.

I was rear ended while completely stationary at a redlight by a 16 y/o kid screwing with his iPod a few months ago. Hit me so hard that it launched me with my brakes applied into the Civic 12 feet in front. Dickhead Troy cop tried to give ME a ticket for “following too close.” I lost it and almost got arrested.

I can always get another 240, hell I have 3 right now. I’m going to write hit me in the dust on my trunk lid :rofl

Was this in your Mazda? Hence the s2k?

b/s have done and will do again.

FUCK NO. Id kill someone for hitting my car!!! Plus, the insurance would give me what its “worth”, which KBB is prolly 3K…

Yeah it was in Protege. Had frame damage and was almost totaled, but I had it repaired and now my little bro stunts with it at HVCC. I bought the s2k shortly after. I don’t miss the Mazda, at least until the snow hits. :ohnoes

Good to hear the Protege is still where its home is :lol

Just no more garage privileges for it. :smiley:

what him said

insurance policy=wat i paid for it=win=$$ for me

No one cares about a fucking 72 MR2, so please go total it

fail that i’d get moar moneyz for my POS than your mustang thats actually really nice :lmao :lmao


I’d spin them out and continue driving.

Im suure…rolls eyes

you just said you’d get KBB for it which is 3k and i told you that mine is insured for what i paid for it which is more than that… :lol