Am I just seeing things in a new light? Or...

good for you. i dont know who you are, but i can say that some of the stuff you post does wear on me at times.

contrary to popular belief, buffalo does NOT dictate people’s state of mind. not to get off topic, but i find it hard to believe that physical location dictates how happy you are. and im not trying attack you specifically, but im sick and tired of hearing how great peoples’ lives would be if they moved away from buffalo. for the most part, its a generalization for people who aren’t happy, so they blame it on external factors instead of themselves.

again, i said for the most part. i dont know if you are the rule or the exception.

im sorry, but i can’t stand people cutting buffalo down. it just pisses me off. i know a VERY large number of people that have left with the “grass is greener” mentality, and are now returning back because they miss buffalo. granted, some people hate buffalo, leave, and never come back, but that appears to be the exception, not the rule.

i have not noticed people being any less or more short fused lately; however, i have noticed an increased level of dissatisfaction with the current structure and rules of the forums. i personally couldn’t care less, im just on here to stay current on car related crap, and extract some general entertainment.

however, i have seen a general increase in the bluntness with which noobs are dealt with. i don’t care either way, just an observation. i think there has been less tolerance for ignorance lately.