Am I just seeing things in a new light? Or...

Oh, you always bitched about it in public, but if you want to lie to yourself and believe that you were always calm and temperamental about it and didn’t say a thing… keep living that lie out.

Ignore. use the ignore button.

good for you. i dont know who you are, but i can say that some of the stuff you post does wear on me at times.

contrary to popular belief, buffalo does NOT dictate people’s state of mind. not to get off topic, but i find it hard to believe that physical location dictates how happy you are. and im not trying attack you specifically, but im sick and tired of hearing how great peoples’ lives would be if they moved away from buffalo. for the most part, its a generalization for people who aren’t happy, so they blame it on external factors instead of themselves.

again, i said for the most part. i dont know if you are the rule or the exception.

im sorry, but i can’t stand people cutting buffalo down. it just pisses me off. i know a VERY large number of people that have left with the “grass is greener” mentality, and are now returning back because they miss buffalo. granted, some people hate buffalo, leave, and never come back, but that appears to be the exception, not the rule.

i have not noticed people being any less or more short fused lately; however, i have noticed an increased level of dissatisfaction with the current structure and rules of the forums. i personally couldn’t care less, im just on here to stay current on car related crap, and extract some general entertainment.

however, i have seen a general increase in the bluntness with which noobs are dealt with. i don’t care either way, just an observation. i think there has been less tolerance for ignorance lately.

I just think its annoying that she posts all the time.





We get it, your happy, and things are going well, thats nice, thats wonderful for you.

I dont even know you, and im annoyed.

People rag on you becuase you dont stop, and the tone that is somewhat carried across is im happy your not, na na na na na na.

But I am now going to enjoy my delicious cigarette. NOM NOM NOM!!!

All of which I post because everyone posts

a- when they move

b- when they get married


c- their animals.


Dude you’re not supposed to eat cigs.

OK I get it that some of you get annoyed by a specific person’s posts. You take mentioning something good in someone’s life as flaunting. Maybe someone goes overboard, maybe they don’t. I don’t know. Maybe you could consider using the ignore button instead of responding by cutting that person down? It’s up to you. I don’t know how many of you believe in something like karma, but a lot of us live in Buffalo and Buffalo really is a small town so it might be in your best interest to let things slide on occassion.

I met her like twice. She was fine in person.

When things are “going your way” it’s easy to be excited and unintentionally brag about it.

Furthermore, she is a woman on a forum filled with 99% men, and maybe thats how girls talk to each other, but whenever a guy acts like that, it’s usually frowned upon.

Her posts have annoyed me at times, but more annoying is how it seems as jon has changed. I don’t just mean pussy-whipped, just way too mature and… old. :cry:

a- you suck thank god you are out of buffalov
b- I hope you get divorced
c- Your dogs are stupid and should boiled

you wiped too hard and it bleeded didn’t it.

^Now that’s tempting to delete in a thread primarily full of good comments.

But since you guys say it’s as annoying as it is I’ll leave it. Thanks for pointing out how much that sucks.

wtf did i do


WTF did he do!

Seriously, what’s the point in deleting it though? Trying to preserve the reputable and friendly appearance of the forum? I don’t get it.

just like why dogs lick their balls… Cause they can

your post probably wasnt directed at me, but in response, i dont think i have ever posted any negative, condescending, or insulting thing to her. not that i havent wanted to, but i still never have.

people are entitled to their opinions though. if i had a bunch of people telling me i was an asshole, and they kept telling me over and over again, i would probably start to think that maybe there was something i was doing that was causing them to have a problem with me. maybe thats just me.

its much easier for people to hide behind their computers and spout off at any little thing they dont like. i try to avoid typing things on here i would not say to someone’s face.

Where did you get that number from?

true… i probably wouldn’t say most of the things i say on here to people, but that is ONLY because they wouldn’t say the stupid ass shit that they say on here. (except maybe JEG, he seems to actually be that slow)

case in point, i am a total asshole to my friends all of the time, just ask zong (you’ll have to wait until he stops crying after the last racist verbal slaying i laid on him though)

i think its pretty clear to see the general consensus. i think a safe range would be more than half, but less than whole. so 50%-100%. but its probably closer to 100 than 50.


Im not sure about other forums but this one evolved into a flaming site.

losing your balls and having the chance to grow them back > having a pussy

Didnt read much of the thread and i have to leave now so i will have to read it tomorrow. What i will say is that i think some of the members are very insecure and just sorry ass people who try to feel good about themselves by e-bashing people all day. They think they are so e-badass cause they e-PWN you when in reality most of the people with a brain on here just think they are small pathetic people. Not saying some drama isnt solid reading but it seems some people are on here only to start issues and its annoying.