Am I just seeing things in a new light? Or...

So is Blazing Saddles any good?

:stuck_out_tongue: It’s OT. I appreciate people giving me honest feedback. Add a little fun randomness and it has the makings of a decent thread. :tup:

Your argument is based on the assumption that she posts these things because she thinks that people care or wants people to care, not because it’s relevant to the discussion. Is that really what you think or am I mis-interpereting?

all forums change over time.
bullshit wears on you.
so much so that you try to find ways of preventing it at the
expense of everyones feelings.

because thats whats most important here.
(well, second to grammer)

there needs to be an 87foxgt “who do you want to see race this season” and “fastest import” / “fastest domesick” thread. let the hating be channeled through there lol

third to irony


This is the only forum that I’ve ever been on for more than about a year, so maybe I’m just not used to the “growing pains.”

LOL damn


and, you should defiantly watch blazing saddles.

Mongo only pawn… in game of life.- mongo


yea I have never bothered to watch it. I heard the racism is strong in that one


afraid of commitment?

Handjobs later?

I can never decide between left and right. I would not want to offend anyone.
I guess I will need to make sure to post with an even number of upper case letters.

I was serious. The post deletion is really god damn fucking annoying.

Haha naw just the aforementioned ADD.


I’m sorry, but you realize you’re now dead to me, right?

Alright then, I’ll rent it. I still have to finish Monte Python though. “I fart in your general direction!”

  1. Ok, so people don’t like it, we asked them to try, and are asking for feedback.

  2. Uh, opinions always mattered, especially when they are expressed in a clear manner, not “Classifieds suck, you fucking douchebag.”

  3. Meh, I was never a fan of the main page.

  4. Yeah, no banners - my fault

  5. There are features, but just none of the ones that you want. PS, a lot of them were there before you bitched my ear off for however long to upgrade from pre 3.5 to post 3.5.

  6. We get it, you don’t like it.