it seems every thread is the same with a different thread title.
a question is asked
people ignore it then bitch about calssifieds
we hear that newman sucks
new thread
it seems every thread is the same with a different thread title.
a question is asked
people ignore it then bitch about calssifieds
we hear that newman sucks
new thread
they all dont have the zong OT save, which i thought rocked!
Guys, if you have a problem with the things that someone says, please use the :newman:. It’s not hard. If it gets to the point of threats, etc, that is a different story.
Classifieds - I asked everyone to give it a chance and I’d still like to let it ride for a few more weeks. I don’t think it’s too much to ask of all of you. So please bear with us while we get the Good Guy/Bad Guy rolling as well as board updates.
The updates ARE coming!!
So please, just some more patience with the site and you will see that this place can and WILL be better.
$5? Sweet I can get that double quarter pounder large meal from mcdonalds I wanted now.
I want to fist a bitch right now sooo bad
You should join up at some bigger boards which have been established longer… your skin is still a bit thin.
No offense, and not trying to word of the day!! cut you down. Just e-advice.
The only reason that things should be more civil here is because it is a local (moslty) forum, so you are very likely to see the people you talk shit to.
Honestly though, those that aren’t mature enough to differentiate “friendly” internet abuse from real intent to hurt… probably should stop logging in. It is assumed by many, many members here (and most other boards) that all other members are aware of this.
I’ll tell you what, go join and actvely (50+ per day) post there for a month… then come back and update us on your perspective of NYSpeed.
I’m pretty hard to offend. I appreciate the advice. Maybe this place is a lot better than other places. Just trying to make sense of the change.
I used my moderator ninja edits on the last page. It really wasn’t funny at all, but I have a lame sense of humor so it amused me. :mamoru:
ok, honestly… ive been around since the beginign of UBRF so i know a bit about this history of most of the people on here.
UBRF was always mods/admins> users… there was this weird little click that evolved, from the ubrf “mansion” to people reading PM’s etc. to huk getting high and never doing upgrades etc…
there was some BS that brough about nyspeed…
nyspeed started off as this place where there was no mods>users mentality… it was just kinda mostly unmoderated (or at least transparent) pretty much everybody got along and everything was good…
then there was this v2.0 of nyspeed… which i think started when rick came around (no offense to rick, i like him)
but the moderation really started to become evident… changes were being made, for no real reason
(having a million subforums is a dumb way to organize a site, it makes it a PITA to get any help with threads, which is whymost people just post in gen auto until it gets moved)
then classifieds etc.
then all the mods started coming more to the forefront of being “mods” and it started to put a separation from alot of the users who were enjoying the OT atmosphere.
ALot of us have been around with eachother for a while and we like to bust balls… and the forum has gone more the way of does… but the mods are pushing back, and so are the users… which is fine. i <3 OT
it just has come to the point where alot of people have lost patience with shit and just frankly dont give a damn anymore.
i know i honestly dont care anymore
i dont know more then half the people on here anymore
like you fry… i dont even know who you are and if ive ever met u etc
We’ve been to the same autocross once or twice but I don’t know if we’ve ever met.
Thanks for the background info. It helps. :tup:
oh, im not talking this place vs that place…
more along the lines of, the supposed dissent here isn’t very serious, and shouldn’t be seen as damaging.
Then again, I can’t speak for a lot of people.
As Viper said, been around this a while (though I only joined the barf circa early 2004) and this isn’t anything new really.
And, FTR, I’ve nothing against you at all Fry. Other then the whole Foreman Grill thing. Matter of fact, I’m pretty sure I still owe you a beer or two.
Again, its inmates/restless, instead of the former natives/content, blah blah blah.
go drive your EllTeaJuan to the Beach, faggor.
…it’s winter, whatdoyahwant? There was no “documented” kill activity from '07, so there is little else to e-argue about so far. Then, the pot got stirred.
And… I’m working for a couple more hours, nothing else to do.
What have you contributed lately?
:gtfo: :noob:
Here is my take on this. People get a bad taste about this because it reminds them of real politics/government, especially living in WNY. Someone decides to pass a new law, or do something with taxpayer money and none of the affected people have a say. Usually it’s their “project” and it makes them feel important. Saying it should be scrapped due to the public rejecting it would make them look bad, so that can’t happen. People are outraged. There is usually a small percentage of people that are for the new plan, and they’re quotes are usually in every paper and news broadcast. “Joe Smith thinks highly of it, so should you” There is usually a town meeting or something where everyone comes to voice their opinion. Occasionally it gets out of hand and someone gets arrested. (banned). Of course, despite the huge opposition, nothing really changes. Usually there is some very minor compromise made to make the masses think they actually have input. People are unhappy and have a negative opinion on where they live. “Buffalo sucks, fuck NY state”. Some get fed up and leave when they find a better place, while most stick around and deal.
Just suck it up and put things back. It was said mods didn’t have time to police FS threads, but they have time to close threads on OT, start opinion threads that just get locked, and battle everyone? People will be so thrilled that their opinion matters that they will stop being miserable. Just my $.02, again.
yea… i don’t contribute… hence the
Originally Posted by ly555is
fucking shit, it’s just a car forum
get over it people
I’d start a poll but it would get closed and I’d probably get banned. :gay2: