Am I just seeing things in a new light? Or...

Better thread title: Has NYSPEED turned into a bunch of Chinos this winter?

So it’s kind of like the classifieds just pushed people over the edge or something?

I think stupidity in general is on the rise so people are extra vicious right now.


Just for the record nobody can read PM’s. Well, I think Howie might have that ability but I don’t think he does. Mods cannot read PM’s.

i think the biggest change ive seen in myself from being on here for 2 months are the growing hate for large spoilers and fart cans

i dont have either on any of my vehicles

I like this thread.


:clap: This place isn’t a total waste! :party2:

what the fuck, fuck you, you cock sucker.

you’re all just fucking behind the times, face it i’m a mother fucking trend setter/hater.

ON-TOPIC: it’s not the winter, its not the forum, its the people on it, legitimately 90% of them fucking blow, and should be told this on a regular basis to make sure they don’t procreate.

Do you try to go completely off topic in every one of your posts or is it accidental?

God damn it… I sharted… my water air separator isn’t working right… sigh back to the toilet

Where in this thread did she mention that she is getting married?

She mentioned where she lives to offer that maybe it’s the Buffalo weather since she is in Vermont and isn’t cranky like the rest of us.

Then she was cut down, as is becoming typical on here. Hence my asking why? Why are we all at each others’ throats lately?

And no you’re not an asshole. It just served as a good example. I didn’t mean to call you an asshole, so I apologize if that’s how I came across.

Zong we don’t need any more examples of people taking shots at each other for no reason. :lolham:

:lol: OK fine. ILC has a legit reason to be pissy. :rofl:

lol, this thread? LOL.

no Fry, you’re not developing a complex, though I’m sure that your perspective has changed and so I can understand you fear of being changed by your title.

The inmates are restless.

What we need is a NYSPEED full contact football game.

edit 2: I’m completely serious.

well for this thread i just thought id reflect on what the whole conversation was about in my personal life.

other threads yes, mostly because they make no sense to begin with, hell theres an 8 page thread about why someone cant get a job, go pick on that guy

Fry ever since you became a mod you lost your balls…

Forums were built on the flaming of others…

Hope you can grow em back…

:lol: “Natives” is the typical word, but somehow I think that was intentional?

Amen. You just redeemed yourself