Possible Shift in the Weather?


so i know it’s rarely dead on, but it’s also rarely totally off…i am an avid fan of the ten day forecast and it’s showing me that late next week we’re sposed to have a few days in the mid 30’s, then a few in the mid to upper 40’s…along with some rain that’ll hopefully wash away the salt

i know this isn’t the end of the winter obviously…we’ll probably get another snow storm some time in mid to late april knowing buffalo…but who thinks they’ll be taking advantage of this (hopefully) upcoming change in the weather?

i know i’ll be out… :slight_smile:

i dony doubt with the weather we have been having this winter

i hope thats true but i thought i heard the opposite from good ol’ DP

mid to upper 40’s = bitches out in mini skirts again finally :tup:

oh, plus id get the bike out

i really dont think that would be much of a change.

idk about other “bitches” but its gotta be at least 60 for me to wear a mini skirt again.


I hope this summer is just like last year :tup: scoarching hot and dry :slight_smile:

Fuck that… I almost passed out at the track when it was that hot during the summer lol

lol I know… but it was great @ the beach

until the one day I got drunk there with some friends and spent all day in the water drinking without sun screen :frowning: :frowning:

I still have peeling going on from that… it was bad, I missed like a week of work and had to be put on steroids lol I suck at life

it wasnt skin peeling off of me, it looked like canadian bacon lol

^ holy crap thats intense. i def hope this summer is the same as last. only fattys hate the summer. lol jk

:lol: dont take it personally

omg… lol I hope you had someone taking care of you

nah :(… it sucked lol

showers were the worst… especially because it made the skin wet and pruney, then after it would dry hard as a rock and dig into the rest of the burn any time I moved.

something I dont wish upon anyone :tdown:

ok so i may be pushing my luck with this little tid-bit of hope, but i still find it worth posting…

i checked the month forecast, and it’s based on average over the past i dont know how many years…and on average…from next friday on for the rest of march, average temps have been:

lows - ranging from 25 to 29
high - ranging from 41 to 49

and given that last summer, and this winter…and everything about the last year of weather in buffalo has been much better than i have ever experienced in my memory (as far as the lack of rainy or cold days during the summer, and the lack of heavy snowfall this winter goes…), if we keep up this trend, then we’ll be experiencing higher than average temps here on out…

we’ve been very lucky/fortunate…and i think, very deserving of all the awesome weather we’ve gotten so far…maybe it’ll keep up, and next weekend could be the first official "bring your cars out, the snow is gone) weekend…

i get my hopes up too easily…let me enjoy it while i can

I’ll keep my fingers crossed

warm weather! :eekdance:

when all is said and done

My hopes are up!

omfg. i really have to go skiing as many times as i can this week!

anybody going for HV this friday and KB on saturday (carnival night)?


next weekend (friday and saturday) the LOWS are in the 40’s!!! and saturday we may touch 50…

i quote the shawshank redemption, “hope is a good think, maybe even the best of things…”

fingers will remain crossed for the next 7 days…

this sucks, its buffalo. where is the snow?

you people need to move.
