Am I the only one with a CA?

any one do a ca swap in a altima lol probably too much fabrication, seen a lot of boosted ka but its wwd so…

lol , Thanx for that man…mainly everything works great…i found out what
was the problem with the exhaust…and it’s 95% fixed…also i have to relocate
the ignator and install all the gauges and other electronic stuff…:slight_smile:

your ca is fixed? nice…:smiley: im still going with an SR and right after swap and paint im selling it.

Thank you, the CA is what makes my engine bay sexy;)

i decided to reswap my engine …and rebuild the whole block to make more
power…i was boosting alot …and it caused problems in cylinder #2:frowning:

Ohhh man I told you take it easy on this motor for the first bit.
When are you planning on doing this? What kind of problems in #2 do you have?

the compression is low (125psi) so I’m not exactly sure whats wrong, but I’m
gonna strip the block …and check whats wrong with it…also get new pistons …studs …metal headgusket and other things to make it perfect…

That’s prolly why it was running so rough the first night when bountywolf and I left.
Have you tried pressurizing the cylinder and listening for where the bleed off is coming from.
Crankcase, Valve cover, Radiator.
If it’s the valve cover then you probably have to change seals or your valves aren’t closing fully or something. If it’s radiator that’s probably the best cause all it will probably be is your head gasket blown. What does your Rad fluid colour look like?
When do you plan on doing all this?