Amazon Sells Rape Simulation Game

(follow link for worksafe video from game)

Looks like Amazon is in toraburu for selling Japanese rape simulation games. Excerpt from Belfast Telegraph article: “The shocking ‘rape simulator’, Rapelay, is set in Japan and carries a sickening game description on the Amazon website. An MP said last night that he plans to raise the issue in Parliament. Reviews by gaming websites have expressed horror at the basis for the game.
One website review describes “tears glistening in the young girl’s eyes” as she is attacked in graphic detail.
Players begin the game by stalking a mother on a subway station before violently raping her. They then move on to attack her two daughters described as virgin schoolgirls.
Players are also allowed to enter ‘freeform mode’ where they can rape any woman and get other male game characters to join the attacks.”

the orig article:

looks like amazon has stopped selling.

As if playing the game isn’t disturbing enough for the social retarded children today, someone had to actually think of the game, design it and make it…

Download link? LOL


“Rapelay, is set in Japan”

is that really a surprise?

Sex is a huge part of Japanese culture…this is one of the more normal things I’ve seen from Japan

giggity giggity, allllriiiiiight

oh wait, no…


If you used the promo code STBRM09 you got one of these with the game:

i kinda wana play the game

what. the. fuck

what you dont want to shave her?

we already have murder, torture, etc. simulations, what’s the difference?

In for group buy.

not to sound insensitive but 100% of the girls I’ve known that haven’t actually been raped have a rape fantasy. this isn’t really surprising, and lol @ going to parliament

lol ILC where are you

Great. Now kids are going to grow up not knowing how to actually rape.

sprawled out naked in his cousin’s trailer using jack daniel’s to nurse his anal wounds?

That explains everything.

Looks like someone just discovered the internet

Note: Most of those links will be NWS.

Pure awesome, where do I sign up?

Next in line for baby punching.

LOL M2!!!

I’d be curious to see if they actually got it right…lol
