The best thing you’ll see…EVER.
Oh, watch it all the way through.
The best thing you’ll see…EVER.
Oh, watch it all the way through.
He’s pretty good LOL^^
Walt’s on the edge of offing everybody that gets in his way, if you watch the sneak peak into next weeks episode, he’s in the “empire” business. I wouldn’t be surprised if he murdered his own son at one point.
I missed last weeks episode…mother fuck. I fucking hate junior.
i’m still waiting to see what the flashforward to his 52nd birthday where he buys the machine gun comes in…are they going to burn through an entire year this season after it took 5 to go a single year?
Wow intense epeisode…If you didn’t see it something BIG happens at the end.
Best first 5 minutes of an episode ever.
Say my name.
Wow,this episode was unreal. :tup:
I have it DVR’d waiting for me, it can’t be true that there is only one more episode left in the series??
Fuck I missed the first 10minutes cause I was at Spot…I’ll have to “purchase” it.
One more left in this “Season”. Filming for the next 8 episodes which appear next year will start in November, that was in an interview with Mike.
I missed that I’m falling behind =(
Walt fucked up.
Yeah, I like at the end how he’s like, I just realized Lydia could have given me the name, sorry Mike.
Man Mike is dead…
Hey he should have given the names to Walt, he would have gotten them from Lidia anyways, how else was Walt supposed to pay off the people in prison. Now it looks like they’re gonna die. I love how Walt always says no one else is gonna die LOL
I love you Walt
I didn’t watch the last episode yet…don’t ruin this for me
Just got done with the last episode (s5e8)
oh my word.
Does anybody know when Season 5 starts on Netflix? Just watched seasons 1-4, great show.