it ususally comes on netflix the day the next season starts.
10-4, thanks.
When dish bonered me,this site came to the rescue.
So damn suspenseful, I wish I could just fast forward my week to next Sunday. lol
FUCK! I totally forgot to catch tonight’s episode! DAMMMMMITTTTTTTTT
I don’t has the cable so I haven’t seen any of the new “season” even though it’s the second half of season 5 technically.
It was a good episode…not as great as last week’s, but they left a hell of a cliffhanger at the end…
Just discovered Breaking Bad and am in the middle of Season 2 on Netflix.
“all I’m saying is he had ten guys killed in prison in a two minute window…”
is this run of episodes leading up the end of the series?
if i recall that is the way it goes. if that is the case is there only the 5 left including the 2 that have already happened?
I’m holding out for a binge-viewing on netflix of torrents.
I believe there are 16 episode in Season 5 - spit into 2 mini seasons of 8. Last July-Sept. were the first 8, tomorrow will be episode #4 of this 8. And yes, this is the final season of the show!
Jessie isn’t going to burn his house, right?
Didn’t Walt go in to the house in “present time” where he is driving the Volvo, to get the Ricin from the outlet by his bed?
but i bet that is what results in the house getting fenced off and whatnot…5 gallons of gas spread throughout the house probably results in it getting condemned somehow
At the end of last episode, there were scenes from inside of Walt’s house, so I’m thinking it doesn’t get torched.
It must get damaged or something^^
This is a real good show. but i feel it needs to end it seems to drag on now
It’s an AMAZING show. It does need to end before it starts to end up like Weeds and Dexter. However, I don’t agree with “dragging on”, there’s 4 more episodes left and I have no idea how they are going to tie it all up.
You want the definition of a series that drags its ending through the mud and completely ruins every precedent and ounce of awesomeness in the previous seasons? Watch the current season of Dexter.
Somone bring me back up to speed on the whole Jessie/Ricin thing. My memories a bit hazy, but I thought Walt lifted the Ricin off of Jessie previously, and now Jessie realizes? Why now? I get that he has had his doubts about Walt, and confronting Saul in the office with the gun somewhat proved those doubts, but someone clear this up for me.
Great show BTW, and truly the only show I really felt the need to watch in quite some time. I’ve actually been planning Sunday plans around the new episodes, lol (sad, I know)
When the ricin cigarette originally turned up missing, and Brock was poisoned, Jesse suspected it was Walt. Jesse went to kill walt, and Walt suggested it was Fring, and he was trying to poison Jesse against Walt. Jesse believed him, and helped him kill Fring.
fast forward to the recent episode
Jesse is smoking weed in Saul’s office. As he’s walking out of the office, Huell lifts the weed from Jesse’s pocket (“S’cuse Me!”). If you care to rewatch the scene, you can see Huell do it.
When Jesse is waiting for Saul’s guy to pick him up, he checks his pocket and realizes the weed is gone. He’s puts 2 and 2 together and realizes Huell must have lifted it. Jesse was also at Saul’s office before the ricin cigarette went missing, and he connected the dots that Huell must have also lifted that.
Jesse realizes Walter poisoned Brock, not Fring.
In the timeline of the show it’s only been a couple of months between Brock getting poisoned and now, so if you’ve just been watching season to season it might be more easy to become confused. I just watched the whole show in the last couple of months so it’s a little more fresh .
There it is, thanks. Yeah its been a while. I got the point, in Jesse finally realizing Walt was at fault, but my memory on the way it all went down was hazy. I’ll have to watch last episode to catch Huell doing it, nice!
my prediction based on the purchase of the machine gun at the diner in “present time” and now the retrieval of the ricin in “present time” is that walt ends up in a situation in which he expects to go out in a blaze of glory after downing some ricin… but “present time” is still several months into the future of the typical timeline of the episodes since it takes place after walt’s next birthday…so it would seem his cancer must also go into remission.