America, F*** yea

But Justice Wooten declined to stretch that rule to children over 4. On Oct. 1, he rejected a motion to dismiss the case because of Juliet’s age, noting that she was three months shy of turning 5 when Ms. Menagh was struck, and thus old enough to be sued.


Justice Wooten. Hell of a name.

“A parent’s presence alone does not give a reasonable child carte blanche to engage in risky behavior such as running across a street,” the judge wrote. He added that any “reasonably prudent child,”

Reasonably prudent 4 year old? Where did this guy get his law degree? And who sues a 4 year old? Are they going to garnish their lunch money? What the fuck?

I blame Obama.

Kid must not qualify for the free school lunch program so they are a fair target.


if i posted this with this thread title it would haev been moved to politisuck… just sayin.

Probably. It’s like black people calling each other nigga.

Actually, blame Paterson. He’s the one who appointed Wooten in 2008. Also blame affirmative action because looking at this guy’s resume it’s pretty clear his biggest “qualification” that Pattrson looked at was skin color. Wooten owned a law firm since 1990 (aka, probably hasn’t even be inside a courtroom in a decade) and Black and has been counsel to the state Puerto Rican Legislative Caucus. That’s his resume.

You stay classy justice system.

Thank god we use tax payers money and the courts time for these highly important cases.

if the parent actively got the kids to race bikes on a sidewalk then I can see a claim because it was a poor choice on the parents parts causing an accident that could have been avoided if they had ridden slowly and then raced at the local park or some more appropriate place…

…so in other words: street-racing kills, take it to the track

The lawsuit isn’t the problem, it’s that the judge said it’s ok to sue a 5 year old. Not just the parents, BUT THE 5 YEAR OLD!

I see what you’re saying… I even read that the first time but my mind couldn’t believe the judge was really that stupid until I read it again.

thats fucked up.

yeah I had to read it twice because I thought I read it wrong. What a batshit stupid judge. Ugh. And people wonder why NY is fucked.