December 11, 2008, 7:45am
Unrelated example but you really fail at korean, japanese, chinese, taiwanese, then. What are you again indonesian and people think you’re chinese lol. It does matter, because try calling some Chinese or Korenas as Japanese and you’ll get your ass kicked. Try calling a Japanese who is nationalistic as a Chinese or Korean and he’ll wana kick your ass too and spit on you maybe too lol. Learnz teh Historiez and people’s cultures.
Knowledge is power.
African and ‘african american’ and 'jamaican also uuuh wow so you think all people are ‘black’ and ‘from Africa’. Well Jamaica is not in Africa and if you meet a Congolese (if you can even pinpoint that on the map) and call them Jamaican you’ll prolly feel pretty lame if they are not polite to you.
What’s the point of me arguing? It shows IGNORANCE on part of many Americans and western people who make a joke out of other people, cultures, etc… while trying to show themselves as superior.
UAE and Saudi are far more infrastructurally superior than pretty much any city in North America, but just because its lesser in size and most ppl don’t know jack about it or can pinpoint it, they make fun and show poor people doing stupid things or looking stupid. Iraq had an amazing infrastructure prior to being demolished twice over by the US. One of the first things they destroyed was the giant tent (of marble) airport when they invaded this time around.
So many things were destroyed so that the whole of the world thinks the rest of the world is shit and the west is there to help the ‘uneducated’, ‘poor’, ‘loser’ eastern people.
Shuv them all in one box “they’re all the same wearing turbans” or whatever.
Well all western people are the same then too wearing ties, … wait… I think not! British, French, German, try calling them American LOL.
So wtf at all of you back for your ignorance, unless you had innocent intentions, but still educate yourself.
BTW, I’m European, grew up in Africa and been 12 years here. At least I take the time to know the people I live with.
You’re definetely overexaggerating. I’m chinese, and my grandparents lived through the Japanese invasion of China; very few Chinese from that era that live in Canada would take the mistake offensively, i’ve never heard of it happening in Toronto for one.
Just because some of us dont know other cultures like the back of our hands doesnt give you the right to talk like the elitist fags that you say SON is made up of.
And good for you you know Europeans, Africans and Asians pretty well. Maybe you should take the time to know the people on SON as well as you did for them, i’m pretty sure you’ll be better liked if you do.