Americans Driving Less

I know this is no suprise but its pretty intresting and I am looking forward to the long term effects of the high gas cost on people.

Not only are people driving less but who knows, this might make more people walk or bike and get in shape. Also reduce traffic on highways during commutes as people choose carpooling and public transportation than everyone driving themselves.

I heard that gasoline demand was down quite a bit in the US. Good.


Young’ins not reading their history books again.

Driving is down right now. Oil will fall, people will adjust to the prices, and driving will go back up.

my excuse is i blew my engine! lol if i had my car i would not drive less due to gas… lol

40mpg, I drive just to drive now.

Haha. Yep.

Was reading about how a lot of people are actually moving closer to work as well.

So at least consumption will stay down a little bit. Right?

I know I dont ride 1st and 2nd gear so much now lol. We are buying things like ice cream at the grocery store instead of going for a ride to get some. I hate filling up my lil focus with 51 dollars

I’m on the road just as much but I’m on a bike instead of a car.

wow look at that. a change in price affected the quantity of product demanded. We’re still on the same demand curve.

I’m not driving any less at all, my car just netted me 15.7 mpg and my truck got me 17mpg.

Though my bike does get 50+ which now has over 4,000 miles on it this summer. ( I’d say 1/2 is joy riding and 1/2 is to and from work or places I have to go anyways.)

I spent $150 yesterday to fill the truck and the car… oh well.

eh yeah, I don’t really drive any less. Whatever, an extra $5-10 per tank isn’t making or breaking me. Shit I know 2 weeks ago I filled up 3 times, was ~$150, as compared to what, the $120 it would have cost me a few years back. Gotta pay to play


Links to wikipedia = ban!

j/k but who is to say gasoline consumption will ever return to historical levels (read: highs)? Maybe it will. Maybe it won’t. Right now people are scrambling for alternatives and more efficiency which seems to indicate a path towards not returning to those levels.

I drive a hella alot less. Drive the fiance’s Civic alot more now. Hate it prefer driving the Charger much better.

:lol: told ya :lol:

The Energy Information Administration said in its weekly inventory report that U.S. gasoline supplies slipped 3.5 million barrels last week. Analysts surveyed by energy research firm Platts expected gas supplies to rise by 400,000 barrels.

Gas had barely fallen under $4 and people started driving again.

yeah, my truck is $94 to fill it up and it’s not even completely empty. I wish it only cost that much

honestly I don’t even pay attention to gas prices anymore. I need gas so i’m going to fill up weither its $2.50 or $5

It does seem as if a lot of the Rochester gas stations are insanely packed as of late…I have rarely/never seen lines at them, but they’re common over the past 3 or 4 days. :squint:

put $112 into the Rover the other day…that’s the highest fill up i’ve ever had.

122 into the tahoe :frowning:

I do drive less though.