americian border weakness

While I agree that we shouldn’t have to pay for the people that use our resources, but that’s a whole another convo. Actually, lots of Amurrikans turn down jobs that they aren’t willing to do, because it’s more cost effective and less effort for them to sit on welfare programs. Regardless, there are a lot of ‘immigrants’ specifically ‘illegals’ that are born abroad, and their parents bring them here illegally at a very young age for hopes of a better life, and can you blame them? I know McCain doesn’t, you can read about that below. Then, they live in CA or LA or TX or AZ or whatever city/state. So, they only know English. They have lived here their whole life essentially. They don’t have birth certificates, but want to work and were educated here. What are they suppose to do? I know of a person in that specific situation. You know where he is sitting now? In one of our jails. What good does that bring to anyone? It’s just dumb! So, the whole situation is a bit more complicated then your idealistic responses mr. IT trucker…

Funny you say that! The opponent to said socialists had his own battles and what did he propose in the end?