an appropriate title for Pittspeed members

Stand up for your rights!

LMAO, how true that is

u better go hide @ PRP cause SK360 will hut u down (if he can catch u on street tires) & slap u!

This doesn’t even make sense.

Want to try again?

Gto doesn’t have enough to catch on street

It means the sheep need a hair clipping


come on, there arent no sheeps here

U cry about PRP 90% of ur post vids etc u cry about street tires,Now do u want to TRY again :crying:

Sorry I was giving feedback on a thread about PRP Improvements, god forbid they hear what their customers feel could use improvement.

I don’t need to cry about shit. I have a car that runs and actually drive it places and run the hell out of it.

That’s more then 95% of this site can say these days.

Oh and where did I ever cry about street tires anything?

these days? funny you mention that, its fucking winter time with tons of salt on the roads :rolleyes:

“These days” is a generalization, not referring to this exact day.

you have cried plenty of times over hte years about street tires. street tire this street tire that

and again these days its winter time and pretty sure alot of ppl are running their vehicles or else they be taking public transit

When? Show me some examples cause I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about.

And once again these days was a generalization… hell I haven’t driven anything but my winter beater for the past 3 weeks.

if you think prp is bad go take a look at where this pitt/ny thing is gonna go down…haha

i think if you lose control you have to wait untill you hit a tree or possibly a cow to stop.

The shootout track is shady as fuck. Looking down the track at a forest that is downhill from you is pretty mindbottling. I have some good pictures on my phone from Lucky Drag City.

Can’t wait… if it’s as awesome as steel valley is, this will be fun :smiley:

Street tires ftw. Having a car that actually runs with street tires…priceless…

Sorry would be ezer to show when ur not :crying: about street tires or PRP! Thanks Next!

Exactly the response I expected, you don’t have shit.