An interesting take on Gen Y'ers' Unhappiness.

Things have severely changed, nobody with half a brain and 1 eye could deny that. Did the boomers greed cause the changes or did their greed adapt in response to the changes?

HAHA yes I do often say many similar things about my generation of entitled people. One of my biggest things is that while pople should strive for more. Don’t ignore what you already have.

Does look like my artwork though. :slight_smile:

On a serious note I do agree with many that the economic conditions this generation are going into presents less opportunity then what was available during the stages of life that the expectations were made. This itself by the above formula means not being happy. But overall I don’t feel bead for people who expect more and dont have it resulting in not being happy. We all do its just a matter of what you are doing about it.

opportunities are just different.

as a result of globalization the good jobs are spread out all over the world, not down the street. heck you pay a premium through lower compensation to work close to home.

if you’re prepared to work in Africa, Asia or other places not worth travelling to otherwise then you can do quite well.

Oil rigging, fracking, off-shore and under-water stuff is also way bigger now that it once was and provides even higher paying jobs that our previous generations had and with a similar level of skill. dudes coming right out of highschool can clock 6-figs easily if you can handle living remotely

I think most anyone willing to work hard enough and be flexible will find opportunity of some type. Its a matter of expectation of how much effort and sacrafice one should have to make. This is where I see many struggle.

On point.

All I have to say is that the generation prior to me better start paying their school taxes.

Don’t bitch and complain about my generation because we can’t find jobs. There’s no reason why schools should be cutting STEM teachers.

You want non-dipshits in engineering programs at UB? Then you need to make sure they don’t turn into dip-shits in high school…and middle school.

But who am I to say anything…

tax avoidance… that is our only defense.

off-shore holdco’s for everyone…

Thank you for bolstering my post. :wink:

:clap: I am really enjoying my ~20% pay cut this year thanks to budget cuts :fu: But I guess at least I still have a job…

The thing with America is if you really want to achieve some higher level of wealth its completely possible.

You’re not stuck in some class system or in a country with 0 opportunities to move up in life.

This is fact. While I see there are deep rooted problems and admit there is cause for concern…

There is no need to be upset…YET.

oh you guys mean exactly like Canada, anywhere in the UK or Western Europe, India, South Korea, China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, any of the Scandinavian nations… or just like 60% of the world’s population who can readily move upward in society through hard work, ingenuity and a bit of luck

I want to move to N Zed.

Who else has a war machine capable of extracting resources from other nations and using them to subsidize their own quality of life? #Murica

This is really simple, heck there is even a math equation in the first post.


Happiness = Reality - Expectations


To increase Reality is to increase Happiness.


To decrease Expectations is to increase Happiness.

How do you increase Reality? Increase the minimum wage, duh. Gunna get my McRaise on today!!!

How do you decrease Expectations? Legalize pot.

I just created the perfect society. :hsugh: I mean who wants all the work hard, ingenuity, innovation, competitive crap?

      • Updated - - -

Hey, I got my McRaise but my Big Mac went up and so did all the other stuff I buy. At the end of the month I actually have less disposable cash than before my McRaise.

Stop being a buzz kill, man.

You forgot to address the 2nd part of my solution, with pot legal, expectations are lowered and society is more complacent with lowered goals, lower quality of life, and less tangibles.

Does this mean if we had another prohibition it would raise goals and improve the quality of life?

China and Russia do this on the regular. So do various African and South American warlords who are not directly affiliated with any nation state.

Healthier nations don’t need to lean on others to subsidize.

I pretty much agree with this philosophy. If you want something, go and get it, work for it, or find a way to not have to work for it and still get. Coming from a home that didn’t have a ton of money (food stamps, heating assistance, etc), my parents made me work for anything I wanted. At 12 I got a paper route and have worked in some facet ever since then.

There are members on this forum that I know work hard to get better results in life such as salary, house, whatever…Go figure right?

I do think there are situations both socially and economically that affect learning and maybe potential or opportunity to progress as quickly or as highly as others. It’s not really an excuse, but I think it’s a factor. Other people go to Mom and Dad, ask them to pay for college and then get into the working world debt free. It’s like those fucking T-mobile commercials where Jeremy’s parents are ranting about his high cell phone bills when he’s over seas. I kept wondering…Why the fuck are they paying for his cell phone bill?!