How so? Got me off smoking
Got my dad, a smoker of 35 years off smoking
Got my wife off smoking
Got a 76 year old man off smoking after I gave my mom a kit to hand him.
4-5 other people I know personall off of smoking.
Truth is wayne, and most who dont smoke dont understand it, but most of us who did or still do smoke, don’t want to quit, we know were playing russian roulette and we don’t care. I fucking loved smoking.
E-cigarettes are a way to either A) Allow to you continue to get nicotine, while leaving all the other bad shit behind and still get the satifying feeling you get from a cigarette B) Lower your Nic percentage down to 0 and either vape for the fun of it or wein yourself off completely, i have known a few who have done this.
Me, shannon and my dad are all comming up on a year of being smoke free. My dads doctor in particular is extremely pleased with my dads recent vitals and bloodwork given a few conditions he was diagnosed with over a year ago that the doc told him would put him at serious risk given his current status and bloodwork for a heart attack and that has completely gone away as of now thanks to him quitting.
It’s a great alternative to people, do I think its 100% safe? No not really, while everyhting in an e-cigarette is safe, nothing has been looked at over the course of 10-20-30+ yuears so we won’t knwo for some time. But mant doctors are seeing major improvements in patients, some doctors using e-cigs themselves. Do I think there might be some long term side effects? Yea maybe, but i still dont think it will be anything really dangerous. and it is without a fucking dbout 100% safer then puffing on a real cig