and here we go...


That is all…

Omgz a spelling error.

Just fucking with ya :wink:

im sure all you need to do is pick up your phone and speed dial one of your recent call’s. There is a reason why you bought a vehicle with a ass warmer, because you ass is always sore!

Coming from the guy that:

  1. Always has a pole in his hand.


  1. Steers his outboard motor with his asshole, screaming “look mom no hands.”

He’s a carman down here in Selkirk right? I didn’t know you worked down here too


Yes sir. Who are you? What craft?

I work down at the auto terminal. I’m hoping to bump into the diesel shop/warehouse within the next week though

What would you be doing there joey?

Management. I’d be in an office

Are you a clerk?


What position are you going into?

he told me hes trying for a time clerk. so its not really management, but is an office job.

how do you like dispatching?


I didn’t so I came back as a conductor. Qualifying to buffalo now.