Angola. - an account of a motorcycle trek across Angola

wow, half way thru and this is just awesome! great find, thanks for sahring! :tup:

Damn, looks like I’ll have to make some time and read this from the responses here.

Can’t wait to read this. Did he go through the Uige province? I remember they had an outbreak of a close cousin of Ebola shortly before I was there in the fall of 2005.

I thought the same thing when I read that.

read the first page, and left the tab up for 2 days. Sat down and read it all today, glad I did

racing to beat the waves seemed so bonkers.

His buddy was pretty balsy with the fucked up foot

Definitely worth the read!

Wow, very inspiring read.

Thanks for posting this!

If you guys want more of this kind of reading give Jupiter’s Travels a shot. I think I read it about 15 years ago so I don’t remember much of it other than I like it.

Around the world on a British motorcycle, poor bastard.

Up for an interesting time-killer, read/viewed last night and held my interest until the sandy end. Good find. :tup:

Bump because I just read the whole thing again. Fucking phenomenal.

I had forgotten about this thread. Thanks for the bump Fry I am going to read again!

Great bump, WRA :tup:

Are you stalking me :smiley:

Reading now… wish I wouldn’t have started at the end of the day… :tdown:

Bump. :tup:

I love whenever this post comes up. It is such a great story.

read that before… crazyyyy

just got through 3/4 of that, absolutely amazing… what a story


It is stuff like this that truly makes you realize how minuscule your life and everything you know really is, on the entire map of things.

There is so much shit out there, even in WNY that you haven’t experienced and never will. So much life to see and interact with and awesome shit to experience that sadly 99.99999% of us will never partake in.

North America is absolutely the most boring continent on earth. Aside from Antarctica in all likelihood.

It also goes to show that civilization is drab and tiring.