Another 518 STi tragedy

thread goes from sti crash to shift trash in 3 posts :slight_smile:

Werent you driving ::slight_smile:


Give me a few more years experience and I’ll see what I can do.

Seriously though, I hope he/they pull through :sad

yeah … ;D but it was trav,s car and his motivational pep talk that made me do it :nod :lol

ahhaa so the truth be told

wasnt me driving… remember that :nono

motivational pep talk my ass… you wanted a piece of drews g/f and sister so u had to show off ya big fatty.

It’s been a few days, any updates?

nothing like learning life’s lessons the hard way, amirite gentlemen?

yea i saw this kid at school one day and asked him bout it…bone stock with an exhaust…sux to see yet another STi gone but he kinda deserves it if he was being an asshole and not knowing wtf he was doing.

user error through and through

i heard hes still in the ICU

that sucks. keep us updated… i’d like to know how/if/when he pulls through.