Another 518 STi tragedy




i hope the passenger pulls through

I feel terrible for the passenger.

See this kid all the time though.

Leave the asshole remarks to your self, this is two peoples lives in the balance, one of which was merely along for the ride. Like others have said, it is unneeded in this thread.

they are talking about typing in bold and colors

yeah i know the kid, went to school with him, from what i hear the car had 400+ whp. i hope he pulls through.

Don’t mean to hijack your thread because this is sad and unsettling (people need to learn their limits…and he better hope alcohol wasn’t involved or he won’t be driving for a VERY long time).


This is what happens about 3 times a year on my turn (I live right on the turn):

Yes…he flew over the guard rail and down my lawn.

seriously… couldnt have said it better.

i drive like an asshat sometime, but the first time i take a turn i do it at a safe speed, say recommended is 35, i try 35. Next time down the road i try 45, and so on until the tires start to squeel, and i can’t hold any further. Hammering turns you don’t know seems like it would end like this.

hope he recovers though

:idiots wow, hes a cool dude but seeing as the kid used to come into school fucked up, im not suprised.

pffft… Kramer can buff that out.


MK4 has the best posts. :nod

Dude the car from what I saw under the hood, what ive seen/heard in person, the car was a stock STi, missing a radio and rattled like it was going to fall apart.

The kid beat the ever living piss out of the car everytime i saw him dirveing it. There was also once occasion he tried to be cool around the turn comming of heldenburg by dunkin donuts, spun the car around and then proceeded to curb the shit out of it, then turned around and drove off looking like an idiot

btw, still no word on his condition…

i was just saying what some friends told me about it, ive seen the car but not under the hood or asked him what its got. i did hear that he blew his motor a # of months ago, how true that is i have no clue.

400 whp my ass :rofl


;D probally right, just stating what i heard.



if he was drunk i hope he does die. fucking darwinism at its best. i also hope the other victims sue the ever loving shit out of him (this all hinges on if drugs/alcohol were involved)… otherwise… i think he just deserves electro-shock therapy to smarten him the fuck up. driving fast and taking chances is risky with only yourself in the car… add more human lives into the equation and its downright fucking moronic.

good ol’ travis

just like racin wit 3 peeps in a car and it startin on fire right :umm