Another A-Hole on 890

Is there more of this crap going on now a days, or am I just freaking lucky? West bound 890 on Friday about 3:30pm just past exit 7…89 or so complete POS looking brown 89 or so Accord racing a Black maybe Nissan…(not sure, it went by me so effing fast I couldn’t tell) I was the guy on the Motorcycle in the center lane going around 65-70 that you (POS Honda) damn near ran over. While I am sure that someone with your decision making abilities has absolutely no driving talent, you did manage to swerve from the 2nd lane to the 3rd lane and back again to get around me. Again, I was not impressed…I did feel rather lucky that I was not adorning your POS car as a hood ornament though…Anyway I got your plate# when I caught up to you as you got off 4C but, decided not to call it in…
Just save the damn racing for the track or a totally deserted highway, the next poor slob on a motorcycle may not be so lucky…or understanding…

Is this going to become a weekly rant? If you’d like, I could just merge the threads into one LOL.

Funny how everyone automatically thinks a punk driving a shitty Honda is a member on shift.

I’ve gone years without that sort of thing happening around me, and now twice in a couple of weeks???

And no, I don’t particularly think that person is a member of shift…I’m just venting…Of course you never know…

You should’ve called his plate # in and taught him a lesson. Like you said the next person might not be so lucky.

worse part it probably is someone on shift, i wasnt disagreeing

I don’t get what calling a plate in does. The only way it can work out is if you continue to follow the car till the popo gets there. But if you go your own way and they pull him over an hour later…what the hell is going to happen? He can just say it wasn’t me.

Actually happened to me on Columbia St. in Cohoes a few years ago. I got pulled over just after I pulled out from a friends house (didn’t even get a chance to hit 30mph lol) and the cop was like, “You driving crazy tonight? Lady back there says a car with blue lights (didn’t mention what KIND of car - could have been anything from a POS Civic to a high-end luxury car :lol) was driving recklessly.” I simply said that it wasn’t me and he let me go (I wasn’t lying in this case, but anyone could just say no).

I’ve only called a plate in once. Drunk driver on 87S was swerving and doing like 30 on the highway and 60 on the exit ramp to get to Rt. 7. I followed him down Rt. 7 all the way to the HVCC exit and cop never showed. I highly doubt they pulled him over at any point that night.

Yeah depends on the cops or you could just try and dish out some street justice and get stabbed.

PIT maneuver. Do it. You wont.

A PIT on a bike would be impressive to say the least…

next time I’m racing for money, get out of my way

catch up to him and punch his driver’s window out.


This is a serious statement?

just as serious as people telling him to PIT the guy while on a bike. I.E. not at all.

calling in a plate does nothing. Right from the horses mouth. My friend did dispatch for years prior to becoming an officer for them. Got calls in on plate numbers here and there from pissed off people for one reason or another. No announcements and calling out an APB for some guy who flipped you off. It got recorded on the call log, and thats it. IF that somehow got pulled over, AND someone dispatching heard the plate, AND remembered it was from a call in, AND gave a shit, they MIGHT do something.

UNLESS it actually got serious. Guns, accidents, actually dangerous crimes that ALREADY happened and can be proven. Even “I think that guys drunk” calls didnt get much action, if they are in the area sure, if not, sorry.

Also right from the horses mouth… its not illegal if you dont get caught. do what you wish, with that statement.
