Another Boat Sank in the Niagara River

ahh yeah, for some reason I was thinking the roundhouse instead of the lighthouse.

I was told about this. Surprisingly no names have been disclosed yet. I won’t be the guy to let the cat out of the bag then. lol

Bring an underwater camera. Those would be cool shots.

Anywhere local have those disposable underwater ones?

Shit I haven’t bought one since 2007. I don’t even know where to buy film these days. :stuck_out_tongue: I would imagine Wal-Mart would since they still have a photo lab.

I still have my disposable underwater camera. It probably has around 14 shots left over from my cruise. Let me know if you can’t find one.

Don’t they sell them at walgreens?

Yup, im surprised nyspeed detectives havent disclosed whos yacht it was yet. I wont be the one to mention names though. Gotta be more careful out there especially in those shallow waters. Shitty it had to happen/go down that way.

oh ohooohh do i know them?!?!


Looks like Walgreens does have waterproof one time use cameras so I’m going to swing by there right after work. Assuming the boat is still there and the traffic\waves aren’t too crazy around it I’ll try and get some shots tomorrow after work.

Video of the boat on the bottom of the river

:picard: There are buoys there for a reason… I am a firm believer that licensing for operation of a pleasure craft is not too far over the horizon.
Was it Friday that another pleasurecraft went down in the same area? I remember getting the USCG Security call on the VHF stating that a “partially submerged pleasurecraft is secured to buoy EU8” but can’t remember what day it was.

There was an ~18 footer being towed from that area on Saturday. It was fully afloat, but I’m guessing he did some damage to his out-drive.


The boat is still sitting on the bottom as of Wednesday night. It’s right next to a buoy (I’ll verify which one tomorrow) and has it’s own orange buoy marking it. It’s in 18-20 feet of water with some REALLY strong currents. We cruised up to it with the bow straight into the current matching speed with the current and just slowly moved sideways to get a look. I was hesitant to get in but decided to go upstream about 50 feet and then hop in with the snorkel and drift down over to get some underwater pics and have the wife pick me up downstream of the wreck.

That was the plan anyway. I gave her the wheel with the simple instruction to hold it steady into the current while I got my gear on. In the couple minutes that took we ended up about 300 feet out of position and I realized my wife had no idea how to handle our boat in that kind of chop and current. At that point the real danger of this snorkel run became clear… That the wife was going to have a bitch of a time getting the boat back next to me and I could end up taking a swim under the Peace Bridge. No thanks. So instead we drifted over it a few times and I held the camera underwater to snap the shots. I have my doubts about how they will turn out.

It’s about 20 feet on the channel side of buoy EU8. If you get near that buoy you can’t miss it. Look for the bright orange buoy and the giant white whale looking blob under the water. Based on the location I’m pretty certain it must have hit Middle Reef.

lol good call not hopping in there. I wouldn’t want to swim anywhere between the roundhouse and the railroad bridge. The water does a lot of goofy shit in there. Necks way down, flows upstream in tight whirlpools at the bridge supports, depth drops 200%…

Update: The boat is till there. I saw it again yesterday. A friend was talking to the guy that won the recovery contract, he was going to just hook a grappling hook to the boat and drag it to shore. That would be interesting to see how long the boat actually stays in tact. The boat is right-side-up and facing down river. I would love to see how its hung up down there with all the water pressure constantly pushing against it.

wow. just took a boating course a couple weekends ago and he said its a $1000 a day fine for something like this.

My parents dock their boat in Rich marina which is right where this happened almost, we were on the boat Sunday but left around 8… should have stayed a bit longer to maybe see this happen. Anyways that sucks for the owner

^This happened a month ago. You probably wouldn’t have seen much this past sunday.