They weren’t tree huggers, they were basically a group of ballsy business owners and they raised the support of the people. They built a government that was intended to be overthrown when it was no longer “by the people.” When the south revolted in the mid 19th century, and the Union defeated them, it proved that the government had exceeded the power the founding fathers had intended.
Now if you were ready to revolt, I’d be ready to join you, but you’re clearly not. You enjoy bitching about how we should get out of Iraq. If you really paid attention, you’d be more interested in the U.S. getting out of the U.N.
Don’t just throw out the idea of the founding fathers of this country in some debate about a conflict that hasn’t hit our soil in 5 years.
I think we are oppressed, not physically, but by taxation, and if you disagree, show me how you could stop paying even if you tried. That’s the real problem.
I’m sick of people bitching about Iraq that have no solution for anything, and don’t understand this country and its history, let alone history in general.
Nobody said politicians are perfect, far from it, but last time I checked you weren’t perfect either. I’m all for a tax revolt, but first we have to figure out how, since it’s all deducted right out of our pay. Then after that, 95% of this country needs to grow a pair and join in.