i want money!!! ill trade you my ZR1s and my skinnys with less than liek 100 miles on the tires
bring’em & show me!today
alrighty ill be up big boy!!!
:hitit: :op: :idb: :cuddle: :bj: :69:
It is not a modern day Vietnam, it is much different. The VC never attacked the U.S. mainland. The VC did not train terrorists to attack the U.S. The VC wanted control of Vietnam, not the end of Western (infidel) civilization.
It’s much different, there is no North/South territorial battle. It is a matter of the U.S. helping the governments in the middle east, to include Iraq, to control their own borders, and find terrorists who are hiding out in their countries.
If you mean by “modern day Vietnam” that it is a conflict in which we are not steam-rolling or nuking the enemy, then gee, I guess your’e right. But by that logic, 90% of all conflicts are just like Vietnam. Go read a book, I am so sick of uneducated pinkos trying to tell me that this is just like Vietnam. Once they admit that was a poor analogy, they usually throw the “it’s about Oil” line out there. Our education system really is pathetic.
I’m so amused by most of your comments, first off Iraq didn’t attack the US, terrorists from Afghanistan “supposedly” attacked US, and even then how the hell can’t the most powerful nation in the world, with all or manpower, technology, intelligence (haha) can’t find one guy! The one dude responsible for the whole thing, Osama! Christ the guy needs dialysis, is on videotape twice a year, and is supposedly addicted to internet porn, your telling me he is a ghost. The reason we can’t get him is cause if we find him now the whole lie trying to be fed to the american people for being in Iraq would no longer hold water. Turns out Saddam was an enemy of Osama, we loved that shit when Iraq and Iran were at each other’s throats in the 80’s. So don’t feed me this bullshit about your un-American if your against the war, I 90% more fucking American than most of you assholes cause I served and still serve my country, that doesn’t make me have to believe the horseshit that goes on in politics today, I protect this country so most of you can have the freedoms we embrace, but little by little I see those rights being lost. Bottom line is its a cluster-fuck Bush got us into and god forbid if he would admit he was wrong. I’m glad John Murtha is a congressman from this state, a veteran like myself, he even admits enough is enough, GTFO…
and if you believe the so-called “war on terror” can be won your crazy, maybe with some nuclear missles to the whole Middle East region, aside from that those people hate us, are raised to hate us, and being at war in the Middle East only adds fuel to their fire to hate us more. Fighting an idea isn’t as easy as fighting a country, what happened with the whole Containment policy strategy of the United States in the years of the Cold War, oh yeah it didn’t work, communism in the USSR fell on its own and China and Cuba are still communist. Only way to solve the worlds problems is through education and understanding, so call me a fucking tree-hugging hippie, atleast I’m not a ignorant dumbass!
excellent post
if that’s the case then you have no premise for an argument… you can’t ignore facts and then comment on them…
why would that be the case?
and you aren’t more american because you serve in the army… thanks for your service and all but fuck your attitude.
I don’t see you putting your life on the line for your country, asshole! And until you serve, you can shut the fuck up! In my eyes people that serve should be the strongest voices heard…
When its your buddies over there getting killed you get alittle different perspective and attitude. So go back to your stupid little job, sit in your cubicle read Pittspeed for 8 hours a day, be an internet badass, and go fuck yourself…
i have a buddy that’s serving, he’s in a cubicle reading dsmtalk for 8 hours a day being an internet badass…what’s your point?
I don’t even know where to start. I never said Osama was a ghost, I don’t know who did. Since you have all the answers, what should be we doing to find the people behind the terrorist attacks on our soil?
I am greatly amused by your ability to call others ignorant dumbasses, while you blame a complicated international terrorist conflict on one man. Apparently you don’t remember how many people backed Bush when we first went into Iraq. He just happens to be one of the few politicians with any resolve.
Oh yeah, one more thing. Bush woke up last week and turned down the oil knob, that’s why the price dropped.
Is his name vdubspeedracer?
I don’t think this argument is about who or who isn’t any more american than anyone else, we all want what is best for america. Only we have different opinions about how to get there.
Iraq is a huge clusterfuck, was from the start. We went in half assed and it’s now coming back to bite us in the ass.
on a side note - I still can’t believe people listen to Bush and can believe a word he says. Not like you can believe any politician, but the current group of yahoo’s in there is extra bad.
remind me to buy you a cookie. your arrogance is enough for me to remind myself why i always knew you were (and appearently are) a fucking prick.
I put my life on the line everytime I go onto public roads with some idiot like you with anger problems, and that doesn’t even help the country.
Are you in the reserve? I can tell you’re one of those d-bags who signed up for 1 weekend/month to get free tuition and got all pissy once he had to actually go into battle. Well you took an oath buddy, and it was voluntary, so stop crying.
You act like the rest of us don’t understand that soldiers make a sacrifice.
read the polls, public opinion has turned sometime ago…
in befo da :lockd:
sorry to break it to all you…there are only select few that know what is really going on over there…and here…but I am convinced there is a ton of shadyness involved