Another Canada question...

My friends and I are super bored of hanging out around here. So we are going to head over to canada tonight. Im thinking of clifton hill. Were just looking for someplace to eat and have a few drinks. Preferrably somewhat cheap.

Someone recomended Boston Pizza, as they have huge, cheap, pitchers. Anyone else have any reccomendations?

clifton hill /= cheap. its a tourist trap, and expensive. The team pitchers are like 40 bucks.

^ What he said.

We used to go to The Wild Mushroom.

Nothing is cheap up there, especially with the exchange rate right now.


Where should we go thats somewhat cheap and decent then?

Honestly nothing in Clifton hill is cheap.

Nothing at all.

Toronto is cheaper than clifton hill.

We dont want to drive all the way to toronto.

So fuck clifton, what is in canada, within close driving distance of the border, thats cheap and decent. We are bored of going to the same places here…

dude go to the downer…sounds like you and your friends need strippers to fulfill your night.


dude go to the downer…sounds like you and your friends need strippers to fulfill your night.


no nudies

Im trying to spend less than $50 tonight.

wild mushroom and jacks have the cheapest prices on clifton.Mushroom is kind of small.At Boston its like 4.50 a beer by the bottle.You should pregame before if you want it to be cheap


So fuck clifton, what is in canada, within close driving distance of the border, thats cheap and decent. We are bored of going to the same places here…



Normally, we get dinner, than hit a bar. What is the equivilant of this, but in canada.


no nudies

Im trying to spend less than $50 tonight.


Then just stay in Buffalo. Ain’t nothing cheap in NFs.

Or drive to Toronto (but you will probably spend half of that 50 on gas)


Free drinks if you are at a table. :slight_smile:

st catherines has a boston pizza may be cheaper i wouldnt say torontos cheaper i spent 500 bucks on alchol and lunch/dinner when i went to the toronto auto show.

Cheap or not, driving to Canada to drink for the night without the intention of staying in a hotel is stupid.

boston pizza…= 32 dollars a pitcher…

im still trying to find a cheap place on clifton hill…
when i go up with my friends we just drink as many beers as we can, get a buzz then go up there and have a few more…

then downers… :slight_smile:

Why were you so set on going to Canada when there are eleventy billion cheap and decent places to eat and drink in Buffalo? Is it really that much more fun to do the exact same thing, only with a longer drive home through customs, just to know you were in Canada doing it?

Come on, I bet you haven’t been to half the places in this city.



Free drinks if you are at a table. :slight_smile:


not in canada thats on our side