Another crash in the 240 scene...

^^ Exactly

Softer suspension essentially will give you more grip, resulting in not flying off the track sideways and maintaining the high speed you entered in.

softer suspension = more grip
stiffer = less grip

A lot of drifters I know run their rear coils full stiff, but for me, however, I actually prefer to run them almost FULL soft. I like having the grip when I need it and I’m sure other drivers can attest to that as well.

Another MAJOR factor in keeping speed while being sideways are tires, and for that reason alone is why I drift on brand new tires that I know have the consistency that suits my style. In the beginning I’ve drifted on used tires behind tire shops like everyone else, but none of them would hold grip while going sideways at a fast speed. I would always spin out or slide right off the track like it were Ice. It wouldn’t be driver error, it’s just the speed surpasses the limits of the tire and once that happens, there is no going back.

I rather have the grip there then not there, because there are always ways to break traction but there are 0 ways to gain traction when you have none left.

PS: I’m glad XSNRGE and you’re dad came out alright!!