Another delay - valve covers

Went to put on my taller Canton fabbed aluminum valve covers that will clear the alternator and the passenger side hits the front edge of the forward most rocker arm. Need another 0.25" clearance. Apparently no one has really tried them with Comp Pro Mags.

Put the alternator in place and there’s just enough room that the cover could be modified. Discussed it with Canton and they’re going to move the one edge over 1/4" for me. There goes another week.

Measured and drew everything up in AutoCAD to send to them.

Go me. :rolleyes:

just toss in the towel and go LS1 faster, cheaper, the possiblities are endless. get rid of that dynosaur motor


I’m too far in to go LS1 now. The covers are on their way back to get fixed/changed.

Maybe I should charge a consulting fee to Canton for improving their product and expanding it’s application. :smiley:

that’s kinda cool that you did the autocad. not cool like banging jessica simpson, but cool like winning the national spelling be :smiley:

Judge: Your word is “douche”.

Me: Douche. Could I have the definition of the word?

Judge: Someone who makes posts making fun of someone’s effort.

Me: Douche. R-O-O-K-E-E. Douche.

:insert audience applause:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Unfortunately you’re right though.


but that sucks u have to wait another week!

jeff u kill me:rofl:

you forgot the obvious insult… i mispelled BEE!!! :rofl: