another emo school shooting

I agree with what you are saying, but I think most people don’t understand what our rights are as citizens and owning guns…

Lots of people think the Bill of Rights gives people the right to own guns, but it is a “provisional” one at best, unlike the first amendment, which cannot be taken away even if you are a felon. It actually reads that if your state has a militia and you are a member, you cannot be denied the right to have a gun. Your governor, however, may decide that every militiaman (national guard, in this instance) must deposit his/her gun in an armory when not on duty—you are not guaranteed being able to take it home with you at night. The governor also may decide that normal everyday citizens also may own guns, and whether they are to be registered, and how they are obtained, etc, but this “right” is not guaranteed. Most gun people do not understand this, and keep demanding the Constitution gives them the right to own guns.

Now, regarding this specific instance…I agree with what most of Darkstar said and am SO sick of this whole “we need someone to blame” thing! It’s ridiculous. Do you really think any reporter/principal/school dean etc etc would have thought to send out a mass email to everyone associated with the school? Even if an email would have been sent, how many of the kids would have checked it before 9:30?

I heard on the radio this morning that there is a University (didn’t catch the name) that is going to install some kind of system that will put 90 of their buildings on lock down with the push of a button! ARE YOU EFFIN KIDDING ME!!! Tuition and possibly taxes are going to go up to pay for this and I would put money that it will NEVER need to be used!!!