another emo school shooting

Yeah so now instead of having a massacre every 10-15 years, we can have a hundred shootouts in public every year. More guns = more potential shots fired = more potential people killed. Guns are for the weak.
Hey sometimes you are killed by a maniac shit happens.

Arm the faculty.

REQUIRE faculty members to be trained and armed at all times.

School shootings would vanish.

yea that would be smart. 90% of the public couldn’t defend themselves with guns and would get them taken off them in an altercation. Not a good idea if you think about it. Even if the teacher didn’t want to use the weapon, someone fighting them might.

awesome attitude.

shit will happen as soon as some psycho starts firing a gun in a public mall and happens to point it at me.

as stated, harsher gun laws only keep the guns out of law abiding citizens… criminals don’t care about gun laws, obtaining a gun legally or doing anything legally!!! hence, the term “criminal”

all the states that you are allowed to carry a concealed weapon, crime is down including murders and shootings. the facts in numbers are against ur statement. random killings like this are amougst the smallest percentage or murders but get the most publicity… Shooting for the most part are directed towards a specific person. like gang and drug killings, its not random people gettin smoked, its other gang members and drug dealers. And those people all have illegal weapons anyway. When ever you have a event like this there’s always a slight increase in the percentage of people that carry a firearm but for the most parts the people that want to carry did so before and the people that dont still wont.

saying guns are for the weak is just an assinine statement. a gun is no different than anything else that can be used as a weapon including your own fists.

stole it? :dunno:

I was getting so freaking pissed off at the press release q&a last night. Some of the questions were out of control. Get over it, they did everything that they thought was right, and did everything they could. I can’t believe the press would be pointing fingers at the school officials and PD like they were. :nuts: Prayers go out to the families of the victims, and all the students/faculty/staff at Tech and all authorities involved.

could be. I read that the serial numbers were filed off the gun, but they found a reciept in the shooters bag for a Glock 9mm.


I agree with what you are saying, but I think most people don’t understand what our rights are as citizens and owning guns…

Lots of people think the Bill of Rights gives people the right to own guns, but it is a “provisional” one at best, unlike the first amendment, which cannot be taken away even if you are a felon. It actually reads that if your state has a militia and you are a member, you cannot be denied the right to have a gun. Your governor, however, may decide that every militiaman (national guard, in this instance) must deposit his/her gun in an armory when not on duty—you are not guaranteed being able to take it home with you at night. The governor also may decide that normal everyday citizens also may own guns, and whether they are to be registered, and how they are obtained, etc, but this “right” is not guaranteed. Most gun people do not understand this, and keep demanding the Constitution gives them the right to own guns.

Now, regarding this specific instance…I agree with what most of Darkstar said and am SO sick of this whole “we need someone to blame” thing! It’s ridiculous. Do you really think any reporter/principal/school dean etc etc would have thought to send out a mass email to everyone associated with the school? Even if an email would have been sent, how many of the kids would have checked it before 9:30?

I heard on the radio this morning that there is a University (didn’t catch the name) that is going to install some kind of system that will put 90 of their buildings on lock down with the push of a button! ARE YOU EFFIN KIDDING ME!!! Tuition and possibly taxes are going to go up to pay for this and I would put money that it will NEVER need to be used!!!

yeah they did say the serial numbers were filed off. I didn’t hear about a receipt tho…

taken from a yahoo (AP) writer:

You can buy anything at a Flea Market. So keep that in mind. People have tried to sell me guns at them before.

I didn’t hear about a receipt either, that’s interesting

i know of a few people right now who would sell me anything from a .22 all the way up to ak’s and .50 rifles. its not hard to get any gun in this country.

Look, I’m not saying your numbers are right or wrong, but don’t come out with any outlandish statements that you can’t back up with either facts or that aren’t so obviously true that nobody needs facts.

I really doubt you have any idea the percentage of guns people carry before and after an incident like this.

whats so outlandish about saying its mostly gang members and drug dealers killing themselves and not going on random shooting sprees? watch the news how often do you see random shooting that turn out to be random shootings… most of the shootings crimes outside of robberies… are targeting specific people or the victim knew the shooter.

the media blows up on everything when its a simple as some nut job went ape shit for no rhyme or reason.

as for ideas on people buying guns would increase after something like this is simple psychology… its for the same reason people rush the grocery story when they mention snow… those people think “i better get food incase i’m stuck in my house” or with guns its “i better get a gun incase someone tries something like this around me”

ya they found a recipt for the 9mm

cutty get over yourself…all I stated was that I wish that Bush would make a stronger speak…read your words above…“SHOULD BE FIRM, SHOW POWER” — that is exactly my point.

I also would like to state that I honestly don’t keep up on all that political crap…so with that in mind I am in no postion to say much… BUT what I also WASN’T saying that he is a BAD president or anything like that. What I am saying is his speaches AREN’T strong and don’t seem to be too well put together.

My .2 = to yours

and again this all boils down to my prayers for the victims and their families and that these type of things shouldn’t happen.( again if thinking that simply stopped these things from happening )

Ok, so let’s not trust the media when they make broad generalizations about a particular crime, but we definitely must trust them to accurately provide the correct number of details regarding all gun crimes, gang crimes, etc… within the city/county/region limits.

If you are basing most of your knowledge on this subject based on what you see on the news, you are dumber than I thought, and I already thought you might be rivaling a cocker spaniel in terms of intelligence.

The news reports on whatever they feel will get the most ratings, hence why we are bombarded with terrible Steelers coverage about 11 months out of the year.

But, I guess when the news says they are “Fair and Unbiased!” they really mean it :blah: :nuts: