Another fun political thread

A handy list of Bush administration officials who have left office in scandal. Now updated to include 2007

It’s funny because the group of voters Bush did the best with were those who identified “Moral Values” as their most significant issue.
bible belt :picard:
its ok though, im sure god told them to steal, commit perjury, and seduce minors on the internet.

Yes because after all, 1/3 of conservatives are religious so that means that 1/3 = most of them :bloated:.

^ and no such thing as a religious democrat either


I’m saying that when they did the exit polling in 2004, they asked who you voted for and what your most important issue was. (economy, social security, etc.) The one group that was dominantly for bush was those who chose Moral Values.

as americans we should be disgusted but instead we all sit back and eat more mcdonalds and only care when it affects our paychecks.

as for the party bickering going on:

even george washington saw how a two party system would be flawed
“It serves to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration…agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one…against another…it opens the door to foreign influence and corruption…thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another.” "

true ^

I’m voting for ron paul… if he gets the nod (which I sort of doubt he will :()

IMO we need to clean house… from the fed. level down to the state level and get new blood in there.
