Another hit and run. Phone number not working.

So, a week before we’re due to move away from North Buffalo, my fiancee’s Audi gets hit last night on Tacoma Ave. Nobody was in the car and it could have happened anytime during a 4 hour period. The person left a note with a phone number, apologizing, saying to call. The phone number goes straight to some AT&T voicemail box/setup. Either their phone is dead, or they purposely led us astray?

716 472 3350

Fiancee is on the phone with the police and insurance now, just wondering if anyone has info to offer on this.

Wait that is my cell number


Unfortunetly if they gave you a bad number you are fucked, you need to go through your insurance. almost happened to me until i did some sneaky detective work and found them

that’s kind of what I’m getting at. Wondering if anyone on here wants to play gumshoe and/or has connections with a wireless carrier to see where it’s from.

Owner Name: Donald Wolski
Address: Buffalo, NY 14202-4008
Phone Type: Mobile
Phone Issuing Location: What Is This?New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - DC

People Search Results
Name Address Phone Household Members
Donald Wolski
223 E And West Rd
Buffalo, NY 14224

Not saying that is 100% accurate but it likely could be so don’t light his house on fire

This might be them?

^^ dat hacker shit

I was googling it last night and that name also came up. Will let the police know. Thanks Justin.

He is about 5 min from me. I can see if he has a car with damage if you want

I really hope you find them. Hit and runs are about as low as it gets.

Tom that would be great. If you can’t make it out there I was going to take a ride on lunch.

norb call me ASAP

Let this play out, maybe his phone broke or something. go check his car link

Dont go check… I just got good information. All posted data is legit.

In for results. Best of luck!

Probably worried someone saw him hit the car so he got out and made up a number so anyone watching wouldn’t call in the hit and run.

Basically this:

Or he left a legit number and shut his phone off while he sleeps off the bender from last night.

Got through. The woman denied having been in an accident despite me reading back the cell number that was left on the car, which she confirmed as her #.

I asked if anyone else had used her vehicles last night and she said there were only 2 other people out last night using the “car” and they went to the Sabres game.

I asked for their info to contact them to get details, rather than say “I don’t want to give out personal info, I don’t know what you’re talking about”, she stated, “I would have to get a hold of my lawyer before giving out personal info”.

My thought is that one of her kids/neices/nephews/whatever took her car out, hit ours, panicked, left mom’s/whatever’s phone number, and left.

We will be passing on the phone number, name, and address to the police as a possible lead

let the police do the work, i know many people have 0 faith in the police in matters such as this but just see what happens. Is there any paint on her car from the other car?

she just got done with the police. They said there is no point in investigating since there was no injury. However, that can be BS since when my Subaru was hit, the officer that wrote the report told me similar, but they ended up finding the person based on plate number. So, I have some faith that they may get to the bottom of it. On the other hand, as long as our insurance covers it with no out of pocket cost on our end, I’m happy. This is why we pay for it.

If they don’t help you let me know when I can start trolling said person

No point investigating a hit & run? What?

Stopped by one white blazer in the driveway. Zero damage. But there is a 2 car garage and google shows 3 cars in the driveway.