WTF! Anyone see an accident on Genesee last wed?

A very good friend of mine has a bright red 2007 Ford Mustang GT that was involved in a hit and run accident by the airport on Genesee at around 10:15. An asshat in a primer gray or flat black Civic (lowered with fartcan muffler) cut him off and sideswiped him. He then made like he was pulling over but then took off. There was also a mid 80’s Cutlass Supreme (jacked up in rear with a guy who looked like Luke Skywalker driving) and a pack of 3-4 crotch rocket bikes also in the group. They may have been coming from the Shred & Regan Cruise Night fiasco.

Please contact me with any information!!


that sux.

Shouldn’t be too hard to track them down if there are more S&R nights


I’d do this.

Did your friend get a police report?

Hit-and-run faggotronics :tdown: :mad:

Wasn’t me

pretty sure i just saw a flat greay primered civic with a fart can and big wing on transit/genesee… had some damage on teh passenger side 2…

body kit…? mr tint vinyl on the back window…?

Good luck. I think what the recent hit and run threads have proven is that if you or the police don’t catch the person in the process of fleeing you’re better off just paying your deductible and moving on. Even if you find them today they’re just going to deny it and the police aren’t going to give a shit. The real world isn’t CSI and the cops don’t all carry paint spectra-analyzers in their trunk. Property damage without injury isn’t a real high priority for them.

yep… saw it ~ 10:30 am this morning…


Shitty dude…

I know him…

Looks like we might break the recent trend after all!

Find this fucker, and ruin him…scumbag.

I know where he lives and have his phone number…

wow. dont tip him off. time to investigate.

I just said I know where he lives and have his phone number… Never said anything about giving them out. :slight_smile:

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your probably still going to have a hard time proving it was him. With out evidence that his car hit that specific mustang- police won’t do shit.

My mustang was hit while parked and the driver fled- I was heading to my car and watched it happen- called the police, actually stayed on the line with them while I followed the asshole and chased the guy down. When the officer got there he told me to back away or he’d arrest me on harassment charges. Said without evidence or another witness’s testimony its my word vs his.

I was pissed- and voiced my opinion about the lazy bastard so he gave me a ticket for operating a cell phone while driving. Fucken scum cop.

^What a cock bag

thats some ho shit, dont defend said asshat, and if you do, you should be banished.

obviously I’m not going to give out this information to everyone, if OP wants it, he can PM me.