Another, "I'm famous so I'm invincible" death

Nothing like tearing around on a jet ski with no life jacket. :bloated:

cousin of cornelious bennett (sp)

owd the girl survive
but the big work out everyday football player couldnt…

Treading water without a buoyancy device for any extended period will quickly drain you of all energy. The guy is an idiot for going out in open water without a life preserver.

that sucks

The two ended up falling off the water craft in an area of swirling currents near where a major shipping canal runs into the lake.

Yikes. They found his body 1/4 mile away.


that sucks


Why? Because he’s famous? To me it’s just another stupid athlete/celebrity who died because they felt they didn’t need basic safety equipment.

Off the top of my head, others on this list:

  1. Princess Di: No seat belt in onf of the safest cars in the world, with a drunk chauffeur no less.
  2. JFK Junior: Not an instrument rated pilot, but tried to fly at night, in the haze, over open water, with no instructor.

and while he didnt die, dont forget big ben riding a gixxer with no helmet

Originally I had that in my list, then took it out since he didn’t die.

Ben, and the NJ governor who almost died in that SUV crash, where they were going 90+ to get to a meeting and he didn’t have his seat belt on.

Darwin: Cleaning up the gene pool one idiot at a time. :tup:


Hill’s agent, Albert Elias, said the player spent much of his time since Hurricane Katrina helping rebuild the homes of family members including his mother, Sherry, and the mother of his 2-year-old son.

“From what I hear, he’s done a lot to help with things after Katrina and I know he had a great passion for the city of New Orleans,” said former LSU quarterback Matt Mauck, who was Hill’s teammate at LSU. “Off field he was a really kind person, kind of like a gentle giant. And not only for LSU, but for New England and everyone who got a chance to meet him throughout his life, everyone has to be extremely saddened and disappointed to hear the news.”

Would he even fit in any standard sized life jacket?


Hill’s agent, Albert Elias, said the player spent much of his time since Hurricane Katrina helping rebuild the homes of family members including his mother, Sherry, and the mother of his 2-year-old son.

“From what I hear, he’s done a lot to help with things after Katrina and I know he had a great passion for the city of New Orleans,” said former LSU quarterback Matt Mauck, who was Hill’s teammate at LSU. “Off field he was a really kind person, kind of like a gentle giant. And not only for LSU, but for New England and everyone who got a chance to meet him throughout his life, everyone has to be extremely saddened and disappointed to hear the news.”


But OMG! He didn’t wear a life preserver, what a fucking piece of trash…

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:14,topic:30049"”]

But OMG! He didn’t wear a life preserver, what a fucking piece of trash…


Not a piece of trash, just a bad decision maker.


Would he even fit in any standard sized life jacket?


They make more than one size. There is no excuse.

I jetski with friends often during the summer on the lake, and you couldn’t pay me to go without a lifejacket.


Why? Because he’s famous?


no it sucks because its a death of a human being, regardless of wether hes a idiot or not.

I guess I’m more cynical, jaded, an asshole… whatever. I don’t care when people die because of their own terrible decisions, and they only take themselves out in the process. I’ll try to explain.

A skydiver dies because his chute doesn’t open, and his reserve chute tangles. That’s sad.

A skydiver dies because his chute doesn’t open, and he didn’t bother wearing a reserve chute because he’s famous and therefor thinks he doesn’t need what most consider a mandatory piece of safety equipment for the sport. Not sad at all. In fact, it makes me smile because it’s one less truely stupid person in this world, and it’s not like we have a shortage in that department.

The same can be said for anyone on a jet ski without a life jacket, and even more so for someone in an area with strong currents.

That suck’s seeing that I’m a patriots fan…

JayS has a point though it’s pretty stupid to go off without a life jacket, I do a lot of boating on different lakes and a lot of people seem to die of jet ski related deaths even with life jackets.


Not a piece of trash, just a bad decision maker.


Earth to Rick, I was being sarcastic :wink:


The same can be said for anyone on a jet ski without a life jacket, and even more so for someone in an area with strong currents.


So if a person lives their life doing nothing but feeding the poor, finding serial killers, walking grandmas across the street, catching babies falling out of trees, adopting abused animals, masturbates amputees etc., etc., and decides to ride a jet ski without a life jack and dies, that’s laughable to you?