WICKED Jetskiin.... any one experiance?

Well the last 2 days ive been jetskiing my mind out… any one see the waves in the lake on the canadian side?

Story= me+3 friends all got our seadoos out today and went for a ride… launch them at the crystal beach launch in front of the palm wood… we cruise around in some 5 foot suddle swells but get some air… i say lets go to some bigger waves in open water like by sherkston… we go across the bay and by the time we hit the point abino light house, no joke 10 foot caps appear… HOLY SHIT … LETS HIT THEM … so we had some fun for a while… no joke gettin the skiis out of the water a good 15 -20 feet with a good 3 seconds of hang time. we did this for about an hour … a few times gettin almost inverted from launchin straight up. me i feel like pulling a 1 footer, then a no footer, then a superman attempt… ya lets say i landed on the corner of the fiberglass and not quite the place to land… OUCH… swelled up shin… next my buddy with the blue RSX type S is up and hes next to me were at 3/4 throttle… ZOOM off into the air… i see his axis going off compleatly as well as he was rotating… ended up landing on the tail of the ski with his ankle and the rest in the water. getting anihilated by waves all day we ended the day with 1 flooded jetki, 1 broke hatch latch on another ski, 1 broken tail fin on the other, and my other ski just seemed to survive the masacre,1 messed up ankle, a swelled and bruised shin, all of us with blisters on our hands, a cut on the neck to another kid from smackin the bars, and last but not least we all have a massave life jacket sunburn… eek… not to bad for a fun day on the water…

we took pics… ill develop them and scan them on ASAP… BIG AIR!

it was an insane day,

so much easier to read if you use “caveman voice”

too bad you were riding a couch.

but when u think about it, on stand ups youre actually bracing yourself more for the waves b/c youre already on your feet. your legs act as shocks. on sit downs, u kinda just get tossed around.

screw pics, we need vids.

yeah, but you also go wayyy higher and get tossed around alot more because my boat weighs 200 lbs, his is probably closer to 700. But i am sure it was a fucking blast… It’s scary when sit downs roll back…

Do jetskis need to be registered/insured?


they don’t have to be insured, right? but yes, registered.

I just got a yamaha vx110 and I LOVE my ‘couch’ :wink:

based on the thread title, do you happen to be from central new york/syracuse?

How much is that per year?

i hope the pic comes out of me partially inverted… Passed the 90 degree vertical straight up… ya… when i landed lets say the jetski landed in a diff place then me…

lemme tell ya… fiberglass hurts to land on

insurance… its not to high… but now theres all sorts of bs with jetskis and boating liscences… its just a 6 hour course but its a pain in the ass

registered - yes.

insured- no. but, recommended, especially if u are assclowning and around anyone. insurance quote was like $ 100 for a year for liability, so figure its like $ 10 / month if u just pull it off your policy in the months u can’t use it.

i can imagine it sucks to land on the craft. i’ve thrown myself off a few times and banged body parts, definitely sore for days. 60 mph full throttle and crank the turn all the way, thats how u do it… seadoo going one way, body going 60 the other.

nice :tup: the lake was AWESOME yesterday

mad waves :tspry: fun for swimming aswell

haha yeah i really fucked myself up on that one wave i dont even no what happined but i guess andy described it well enough. to bad we didnt have the camera for that one lol