Another Jam Scare Gone Wrong

Oof. Jam I would’ve brawled for you too.

I heard laura started kicking some ass? Which would fall into the girls brawling category huh…


he hit you in the face with a bottle and ran? wow, what a bitch. you should have waltzed right into jims steakout and fucked him up anyway.


security at jims told us that the cops were on their way and if we didnt leave we would most likely be arrested. sure enough, as we were walking down the street 2 flew by us, i didnt want to spend a night in the drunk tank

i know where he lives though, its cool. this girl i know used to date him in hs. aparently hes a fucking cokehead mess.

this happened last night

laura kicked the shit out of the kids gf. i was busy watching/trying to break up that, and got cracked with a beer bottle. the kid litterally ran up to me full sprint, hit me in the face and didnt even stop, just kept on running to jims where he called the cops. what a fucking pussy. i was livid.

young jeller destroyed this one kid, ripped his shirt off in the process, the kid ran away with no shirt on lol

So tonight we’re going scenester/cokehead hunting. Anyone wanna come defend jam’s honor?


So tonight we’re going scenester/cokehead hunting. Anyone wanna come defend jam’s honor?


im down


So tonight we’re going scenester/cokehead hunting. Anyone wanna come defend jam’s honor?


lol he should know better than to go to brick bar again

right after the kid hit me the first time tony the bouncer at brick came up, put him in a headlock and threw him out the door. he then came to see if i was ok, seeing that the kid threw the first punch. i said ya he kid punches like a girl and his responce was “fucking kid looks like a girl!”

old Italian bouncer that looks like my dad > *

I’m convinced that Brickbar is trouble and that I, myself, am not trouble.

That is fucking lame. I hate hate hate people who take cheap shots, not to mention running.

:tdown: x 981287135

i’m down for some ass kicking.

motherfucker. mos called me and i knew i should have came out. fuck.

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:26,topic:30287"”]

I’m convinced that Brickbar is trouble and that I, myself, am not trouble.


ever remember what you said to that bouncer that one night you got kicked iut before you even got to the bar? lol

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:26,topic:30287"”]

I’m convinced that Brickbar is trouble and that I, myself, am not trouble.


that bar’s the shit. tony’s awesome. i miss seeing JB on a regular basis :tdown: i think you must be trouble and brick bar is… uh, a catalyst, but like…

haha that block of allen is trouble.

wow. wow. That is all.


ever remember what you said to that bouncer that one night you got kicked iut before you even got to the bar? lol


lol, wait. is this funny enough to be worth telling?


calls the cops. we leave. the end


excellent move… EXACTLY what you should do



lol, wait. is this funny enough to be worth telling?



i’m sure it is, but my lack of a memory is the issue here.



oh teh minglor you should have been there. it was a hoot

i’m fully convinced i miss all the good stuff.