Another Local Rider Downed

A landscape business owner was side swiped today by a car on rt9.

John Flood of John Flood landscaping is listed in critical condition right now at Albany med, with 20% chance of survival and only 10% chance of being back to normal.

Let’s go for the best, but remember, be safe out there and wear gear if nothing else.

no way this is the guy who did our landscaping.

I wonder if hes related to Steve Flood
I went to school with him

speaking of i saw some idiot on a yellow bike pop a wheelie in front of 20 mall. Oh and not jacket he was in a beater. :nono

I’m 99% sure it was him, 1% in case it’s one of the employees, but doesn’t look like that from what I’ve heard.

Yeah there’s only one Flood Landscaping around here. This is really sad. Drive by his place of business almost everyday on my way to work.

Best wishes to him & his family

Sorry to hear about this. My buddy worked for him

Ugh, I hate these threads. Especially now that I know the guy… :sad.

its a shame. Pretty sure my 2nd cousin was good friends with him or atleast one of his family members hopefully it will turn out for the better.

hope things work out, by the sounds of it they dont sound real good. reading these always makes me thing twice about where i ride and with who. it just sucks and it seems like lately your hearing more and more about it

wow, that sucks, Is that Steve’s brother?? They live up the road from Price Chopper and Planet Fitness on osbourne rd.

That’s what i’m trying to figure out right now.

the Flood family is huge, im sure this is a terrible time.

best wishes to his family…

these threads suck…

Yeah they do, stay safe bro, gear up, if I see one of these threads about any of you I’m gonna come to the hospital and beat your ass.

I hate hearing this stuff. GL to the downed rider.

but I do think the thread title is a tad insensitive… which means its probably pretty bad since I’m not sensitive at all.

I did think that “Another one bites the dust” seemed like the wrong words to use as well.


Those words can be taken to either extreme judging by the connotation. Since since is the internet it obviously doesn’t carry the connotation therefore you let context decide the meaning.

Either way, unfortunately the plug was pulled today.


:sad i just caught this . :sad