another one bites the dust!

this time its my 240… :frowning:

its gonna be a writeoff…

driving down a side street, 1 street from my house an chick plows right into me! wtf! then she gets out and said she didnt see me!

we tried to settle it out, as in she pays! but now she says she wants to go through insure… ive been out of a car for 4 days now and my insure company says ill be out another week before i get one


shitty deal dude!! sorry to hear

sorry man!

You should get a Police report before you comfort her in your bedroom, and then contact your insurance.:420::wtcslap:

was this the hatch?sorry to hear that iether way

sorry too hear man 1 more s chassis gone

pics or gtfo


and thats the bottom line cause ‘‘farmer’’ said so!!

she didn’t see you becAuse she was too busy texting / using her phone while driving. Too many instances where a chick was too busy on her phone to not see the stop sign up ahead, and to not see me passing through the intersection. I think the only appropriate course o action after such an outright refusal is to demand butt seks. I mean, she rammed your ass right? Is it no only fair to ram hers even harder, just so she can feel the shafting that you got?

+1 for the truth.

That shitty man you gonna get another hatch?

Shit bro, sorry to hear it, i know how it feels a little too well, i hope you get back into a 240 tho

Damn Ramone. Sorry to hear.

Sorry to hear.

damn man, that sucks.