Another reason I will not own a bike.

Holy insanity. So much for the rubber tire theory.

talk about bad luck… wow, sucks…

that is horrible horrible luck… damn

bike still looks good?? maybe cursed though.

see? if he spent more time engaging in the hobby of jerking off, this might have been prevented

of all the chances and other bigger metal targets

The rubber tire theory was never physcally valid. If lightning can arc through tens of thousands of feet of air it will have no problem arcing through a few inches of rubber.

The reason why you are safe in an enclosed car is because it acts as a faraday cage and will conduct electricity around the car and to the ground. Protecting the occupants inside.

Lightning as with all electricity will follow the path of least resistance which is through the steel chasis rather than your body inside the car.

If you are on a motorcycle you are not enclosed and you are basicly SOL.

agreed. i think there have been people killed by lightning in drop tops before.


:word: there is also the steel radial belts in the tire that dont help any lol. I saw a show on discovery a while ago about lightning…its intense. Sucks to be that guy though…damn.

wow. that is some bad luck.

i am really happy im not the only one that knew this

Just yesterday I was walking to the tractor shed carrying a can of gas listening to the thunder, thinking if I get hit by lightning there won’t be anything left and people will wonder what that booooom was.