Another reason why Canada sucks...


I used to cross multiple times a week for a few years. Only one occasion did a border agent notice it and tell me to take it down. I did get caught with it once too, and I got it taken away and a $175 ticket. There is no way to get out of it like in the states. The best you can do is plead poverty, and they might reduce it - judge reduced mine to a $50 fine.

But here’s how it works - if you go to trial, and it responds to a radar gun, you are guilty. That is what the prosecuting attorney told me. So, what I did after that was keep my old GTech meter handy, so that if I was pulled over again for it I would just surrender that. Go to court, tell them the cop was an idiot and confiscated your force meter.
Or, the alternative plan is just as good - NEVER GO BACK.


This was the post I was refering to. If sureshot is correct and you take them to trial than your broken radar detector will not meet the requirements of the court to prove guilt. Again assuming that the attorney sureshot spoke to was correct.

Also… if you take a radar detector into Canada your just asking for trouble, but if you’ve got the money and just dont care go for it.