Another reason why Canada sucks...

theres like 400 signs, its common knowledge, your responsibility, and they have radar detector detectors there.

BTW they make you run over your V1s if youre caught, just sayin

Isnt customs suppose to check that shit out, i mean its right there in your window all noticeable.

Why should someone else be responsible for you not knowing the laws of a country you’re entering?

v1 isn’t detectable as it doesnt produce and output signal just a recieving one. but either way if your caught with your V1 you are fucked and that my friend sucks

V1 and most other detectors can be detected due to the RF noise produced by the mechanism by which they amplify the signal(look up “superheterodyne amplifier” for more info hehe). V1 is better built than most and is little tougher to detect - but it is still possible, it can’t be seen a mile away like cobras, but if they follow you for a mile they will figure it out.
BTW Beltronics Sti Driver is as good as 8500 and is invisible to Spectre RDD (what RCMP uses to detect the detectors) but it is $$$

Dude, that’s the law. Hate to say it, but you should have known.

you didn’t notice any signs as you left, because why the fuck would they warn you about having a radar detector as your leaving Canada to enter NY where it’s fine to have them.

it’s amazing that some people don’t realize this is a law in Canada. ESPECIALLY when you fucking live in Buffalo.

Quit bitching, pay the fine, buy a better radar, and don’t use it next time you come to Canada. It’s not like you need to do 100mph on the 20 mile (if that) stretch of road from the border to crystal beach.

I’m saying everytime I entered canada customs they told me to take the shit down, even when I left it up cops would see it and have no problem with it.

I used to cross multiple times a week for a few years. Only one occasion did a border agent notice it and tell me to take it down. I did get caught with it once too, and I got it taken away and a $175 ticket. There is no way to get out of it like in the states. The best you can do is plead poverty, and they might reduce it - judge reduced mine to a $50 fine.

But here’s how it works - if you go to trial, and it responds to a radar gun, you are guilty. That is what the prosecuting attorney told me. So, what I did after that was keep my old GTech meter handy, so that if I was pulled over again for it I would just surrender that. Go to court, tell them the cop was an idiot and confiscated your force meter.
Or, the alternative plan is just as good - NEVER GO BACK.

That sucks, paying cash and giving away cash that u invested in the detector…Lesson learned

:pwd: :bday: ha sucks

and another reason why canada sucks… they give out tickets and there damn website to pay tickets doesnt work…

and another reason they show an example ticket and someone did 15 km/h over the speed limit and had a 55 dollar fine…

and im paying 165 dollars for a radar… i think canada needs to balance there laws out

Hahahaha. You lose.

By the way, it’s a radar DETECTOR.

15 km/h over is only 9mph over…

well ontario and pa traffic laws effect your nys license. hense why i have 4 points on my license

Exact same thing happened to me in Canada. It was a DWI checkpoint and the cop took my radar and gave me a 165 dollar ticket.

By law, Canadian cops have this crazy right to search your car for it. If they see suction cup marks on your windshield, they can search your car for it, even if its not plugged in. You are not allowed to have it in your car. Its shitty becuase where I was too, there was no signs that said they were not allowed. The only place there is one that I know is if you get on at Rainbow and start heading down the QEW

You really feel like a victim don’t you?


Man up, stop bitching, pay the ticket, and don’t blame an entire country for you not having common knowledge of the laws in a country that is within a 30 minute drive.

I got mine about 2 1/2 years ago and refuse to pay it.

I never got a letter in the mail about the ticket or anything. I talked to the DMV about it and they said that the only reason they would come after my NY license is if Ontario decides to peruse it, at which time the DMV will send me a letter saying I failed to respond to it.

That sucks i lost my 300 dollar passport radar detector and i got a 170 dollar fine as well. he told me it was illegal. i told him im american and didnt know. he said there are signs at the border which i have crossed many times and never seen one. lol this was 4 years ago and i never paid it either. fuck that they got my 300 dollar radar detector fuck their fine. i have been pulled over up there since then and no problems